Felix Schlag: A mystery begins to unfold

I posted images of the new (new) Ron Landis Felix Schlag original concept nickels online for my numismatically challenged friends to see:
While dipping into the story behind Schlag's design, (felixschlag.com, thanks to those folks for the website and information contained within) I found that he actually designed sculptures that were installed in my state.
Not just my state. My home town.
Not just my home town. But the actual high school that I went to. And had grown up a block away from pretty much my whole life.
felixschlag.com had an article indicating that the artwork had disappeared at some point. One of my friends dug a little further and accessed some of the yearbooks from the middle of the 20th century. Lo and behold, he found a pretty clear image of the artwork, now apparently lost to time. It's a long shot, but I've reached out to the school and to the local newspaper to see if they can uncover anything about this missing gem. Schlag wasn't a household name then (or now, let's be honest). But a piece of numismatic history and art should be where all can enjoy it.
Know anyone who's got it?
--Severian the Lame
That is cool.
I can't help but look at that statue and think it appears, "You did what?!"
Sorry I can’t add but I just adore these. The old and new ones
I included a few other items because I just felt they belonged together .
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
I wish you good fortune in your sojourn . . .
Awesome history that deserves to be preserved.
Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
Reminds me of these bronze statues I ran across in Hamilton Ohio.

Sculptor was Glenna Goodacre, designer of the Sacagawea dollar.
Interesting. Don't know why they would have removed it.
Is that a tennis racket?
Don't know why they would have removed it.
it may have been vandalized or sold.