Drinking eggs is AWESOME........ AND HEALTHY!...... I learned it from my Grandpa. He drank 2 eggs every morning...... BEFORE Sunrise. He lived to be 94 years old. 1874-1968. Maybe it only works for old time ranchers......all the younger Hydrants think it's gross......Here's how you do it.......Boil water.....place eggs in water. Take eggs out when warm. Crack the small end of the egg shell and remove. GULP contents of egg!......What a rush!! Goes down slicker than you know what. Better than a spinach rush and it goes down......SMOOTHER THAN TENNESSEE WHISKEY!!
I can't stand looking at an egg yolk on a plate. Nothing more Sickening! There's always little embryo chicken parts in there if you look hard enough..... FOR SURE!..... Slam it down boys! That's the way to do it.
Never in the nursery rhyme does it state that Humpty Dumpty was actually an egg. Humpty was actually a canon. However, It does state in the song The Humpty Dance that Humpty once got down in a Burger King bathroom though.
@Flux said:
Never in the nursery rhyme does it state that Humpty Dumpty was actually an egg. Humpty was actually a canon. However, It does state in the song The Humpty Dance that Humpty once got down in a Burger King bathroom though.
Please elaborate on the "Humpty Dumpty once got down in a Burger King bathroom" part........was...ah....Little Miss Muffet anywhere in the vicinity??
Didn't know you were a hip hop fan, well done sir.
If you didn't know that @galaxy27 was a hip hop fan, then you haven't been paying attention. And paying attention is part of your job here. Don't make me tell @perkdog about this
Didn't know you were a hip hop fan, well done sir.
If you didn't know that @galaxy27 was a hip hop fan, then you haven't been paying attention. And paying attention is part of your job here. Don't make me tell @perkdog about this
No, please don't tell perkdog, he'll chain me up and beat me mercilessly.
@galaxy27 said:
paw paw hydrant appeared to be lost in the wilderness on this one, .......
Galaxy..... Lost In The Wilderness sums up my life perfectly...... and oh what A WONDERFUL LIFE!!!!
P.S. I don't want or need your 50 bucks but if I can clear it with the moderator.....I want to direct you to a YouTube video of The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant. 1,300,000+ views!!!!! Oooh..lala.....💃💃💃💃💃.....you couldn't handle it!😵😵😵😵😵
@Hydrant said:
I can't stand looking at an egg yolk on a plate. Nothing more Sickening! There's always little embryo chicken parts in there if you look hard enough..... FOR SURE!..... Slam it down boys! That's the way to do it.
Then fear not Hydrant, the yolk isn't even the undeveloped embryo so no there are not little chicken parts in there.
Maybe you should be more fearful of egg whites than the yolk. LOL.
Better yet just keep all roosters away from the hens.
@Hydrant said:
I can't stand looking at an egg yolk on a plate. Nothing more Sickening! There's always little embryo chicken parts in there if you look hard enough..... FOR SURE!..... Slam it down boys! That's the way to do it.
Then fear not Hydrant, the yolk isn't even the undeveloped embryo so no there are not little chicken parts in there.
Maybe you should be more fearful of egg whites than the yolk. LOL.
Better yet just keep all roosters away from the hens.
You don't know what you're talking about. I grew up on a chicken ranch. My childhood job every morning..... collecting eggs for breakfast and chopping off heads for dinner and then plucking feathers....... Hey.....I've seen many a little chick in them bloody yokes......GROSS!......
Kansas gophers sure stick their heads out of their holes. Some farmers/ranchers here hire shooters
to come out and get rid of colonies. Some set traps and relocate them, I guess that's the humane way.
Hydrant, I'm not really wrong about what I posted and actually I'm not saying you're wrong either.
I believe you when you said you saw many little chicks in the yolks.
I'll just leave it at that because I really enjoy your posts about Mrs. Hyrant and the Hydrant clan and
Rams games and everything. Don't want you getting mad at me, so I'll bow to your knowledge and life experiences.
If you think it's gross that he drinks eggs, then you are blissfully unaware of who that guy is and what his daily diet consists of. That guy is known as The Liver King. Google at your own risk, and do it outside of a window of at least two hours before or after you plan to eat.
@countdouglas said:
If you think it's gross that he drinks eggs, then you are blissfully unaware of who that guy is and what his daily diet consists of. That guy is known as The Liver King. Google at your own risk, and do it outside of a window of at least two hours before or after you plan to eat.
Steroids much lol
And to top it off, he eats an egg at the end. Gross!
I love eggs, can eat them for dinner, but i have never drank them
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I've never eaten or drank an egg in my life, I just can't stand the smell of them.
Eggstordinarily Gross.
Yes, we should all just leave eggs alone, they just want to be left alone!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Drinking eggs is AWESOME........ AND HEALTHY!...... I learned it from my Grandpa. He drank 2 eggs every morning...... BEFORE Sunrise. He lived to be 94 years old. 1874-1968. Maybe it only works for old time ranchers......all the younger Hydrants think it's gross......Here's how you do it.......Boil water.....place eggs in water. Take eggs out when warm. Crack the small end of the egg shell and remove. GULP contents of egg!......What a rush!! Goes down slicker than you know what. Better than a spinach rush and it goes down......SMOOTHER THAN TENNESSEE WHISKEY!!
Quick and easy breakfast. Best way to start the day! No muss. No fuss. Then......get to work!
I can't stand looking at an egg yolk on a plate. Nothing more Sickening! There's always little embryo chicken parts in there if you look hard enough..... FOR SURE!..... Slam it down boys! That's the way to do it.
Never in the nursery rhyme does it state that Humpty Dumpty was actually an egg. Humpty was actually a canon. However, It does state in the song The Humpty Dance that Humpty once got down in a Burger King bathroom though.
Please elaborate on the "Humpty Dumpty once got down in a Burger King bathroom" part........was...ah....Little Miss Muffet anywhere in the vicinity??
And........What is a canon?
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Didn't know you were a hip hop fan, well done sir.
This right here is the only kind of egg I will eat, I look forward to these every Easter.
If you didn't know that @galaxy27 was a hip hop fan, then you haven't been paying attention. And paying attention is part of your job here. Don't make me tell @perkdog about this
paw paw hydrant appeared to be lost in the wilderness on this one, so i was happy to offer up an assist
a very eclectic taste in music i have; i can appreciate most genres to a certain extent
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
No, please don't tell perkdog, he'll chain me up and beat me mercilessly.
Galaxy..... Lost In The Wilderness sums up my life perfectly...... and oh what A WONDERFUL LIFE!!!!
P.S. I don't want or need your 50 bucks but if I can clear it with the moderator.....I want to direct you to a YouTube video of The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant. 1,300,000+ views!!!!! Oooh..lala.....💃💃💃💃💃.....you couldn't handle it!😵😵😵😵😵
Then fear not Hydrant, the yolk isn't even the undeveloped embryo so no there are not little chicken parts in there.
Maybe you should be more fearful of egg whites than the yolk. LOL.
Better yet just keep all roosters away from the hens.
You don't know what you're talking about. I grew up on a chicken ranch. My childhood job every morning..... collecting eggs for breakfast and chopping off heads for dinner and then plucking feathers....... Hey.....I've seen many a little chick in them bloody yokes......GROSS!......
Hey, I'm just yoking!
Kansas gophers sure stick their heads out of their holes. Some farmers/ranchers here hire shooters
to come out and get rid of colonies. Some set traps and relocate them, I guess that's the humane way.
Hydrant, I'm not really wrong about what I posted and actually I'm not saying you're wrong either.
I believe you when you said you saw many little chicks in the yolks.
I'll just leave it at that because I really enjoy your posts about Mrs. Hyrant and the Hydrant clan and
Rams games and everything. Don't want you getting mad at me, so I'll bow to your knowledge and life experiences.
If you think it's gross that he drinks eggs, then you are blissfully unaware of who that guy is and what his daily diet consists of. That guy is known as The Liver King. Google at your own risk, and do it outside of a window of at least two hours before or after you plan to eat.
I just Googled him, I almost threw up.
Hi there, go ahead, grab you one of them bad boys, get your grub on, bon appetit!
Here's another weirdo in the same vein as The Liver King.
I don't see how they do it, and this dude is eating brains, disgusting!
There is some science behind the Neanderthal diet but eating so much meat in my opinion can’t be long term healthy for you