How can I post a picture?

I am new and when I try to add a picture it said that I can only add a image URL. What should I do to add picture from my computer.?
I am new and when I try to add a picture it said that I can only add a image URL. What should I do to add picture from my computer.?
Is there a different way than using image url?
Welcome to the forum!
Try this

Problem solved
Maybe someone needs to make the definitive post on this and have it pinned to refer to...
I'm able to just right click on a pic, select "copy image" and paste it directly into my post.
Here's the OPs avatar using this simple process:
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
How can I change my avatar? Does any one know?
If you use the gear icon in the upper right to edit your profile you'll see an option on the left to "Change my picture". From there you can follow the instructions to upload a pic.
click on your user ID at top right of page

open "edit profile" by clicking on this:
then click on change my picture where you will be able to choose a stock avatar or upload your own.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.