2021 Morgan Dollar defects?

Hello friends! Wondering if anyone out there has received their fresh 2021 Morgans with any defect or damage as of yet? I bought this one 2nd hand...and the seller swears they didn't remove from the capsule....but ive never seen the mint ship an item with a flaw like this....can't tell if it's on the face of the coin or the inside surface of the capsule...but definitely not a scratch in the capsule face.....
In addition to the cheek mess, there appears to be a nick or imperfection in the hair just to the right of it as well.
Anyone else seen this?
OH! That's horrible. There has been alot of complaints on the quality of the 2021 Morgans.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Milk spot
My 2021 Peace had a fairly sized milk spot on the cheek before I began carrying it in my pocket.
My eBay page: https://www.ebay.com/usr/alvareznumismatics
OP, is that a D mint coin? Others have posted ones with similar scrapes on the coin.
Yes it's a Dmint. I cant believe they were released like that....insanity.
You may have earned the freshly designated Early to Pocket Release or First to Pocket, depending on the grading service.
About 60% of mine had some kind of damage. The seller was correct - he didn’t do it, I got SEVERAL like that myself...

Yours makes 14 different that we’ve counted. Not coins. Coins with different types of “conditions “. All 6 of the releases guilty and problems reported on obverse and reverse. Yours is not the worst. Ms.M has friggin milk spots that don’t react to the normal treatment. Another had Blue thread that’s stamped into the coin.
I’m really sorry. If you bought an unopened mint box you probably just “got” one. Now if they were just in OGP I guess it’s possible that someone who’s selling these hasn’t heard about the problems. I just don’t think so 🤔
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I had one out of my order of 3 Morgans that had spots. 2/3 Peace Dollars had issues as well. Not happy at all.
Wondering out loud. I wonder how the major dealers will handle the graded 70s of this full set (Morgan’s and Peace) when they spot and buyers want to return?
Wouldn’t it take too long to develop spots such that it would be too late to return?
Some credit cards allow charge backs for 180 days+ Given that some of these have spotted rather quickly, how long does it take?
It seems from posts here that if they don’t come spotted it takes some weeks to develop
A very sad commentary on quality control at the Mint. Folks are paying a significant premium for these coins so you would hope the Mint would have taken extra care in striking and handling this coins. All the fancy packaging in the world is a waste if the quality of the coin is subpar.
I’ve received some pretty banged up coins. One order of three D mint showed up like this. This is three different coins, all from the same mint sealed box. The mint should be embarrassed.

I seem fortunate that they look to be without blemishes. Although my Morgan P look as if the eye is above eyelid
Scratch on my Denver
That's been true with ASEs, but these seem a little different to me. A lot of them have spots, even dark spots. They also seem filmy which is why I wondered on the other thread about planchet cleaning.
I'm not sure whether that is a scratch is small strike through. I think the latter. There seems to be a real cleanliness problem in Denver.
If it's slabbed as a mint error, it could be worth bucks!
Ask price is not a sales price.
Where's @ErrorsOnCoins . I have a Morgan struck through a fiber which is retained. I'll accept bitcoin payment.
Yes, but it's from a popular dealer with a gauge of market demand.
Got photos? Would love to see them!
Really sorry to hear about all these issues with Mint fresh coins. I just rechecked my CC privy Morgan... and absolutely no marks or milk spots. Seems most issues are with D mint coins... strange, almost like a bunch were dropped or mishandled in some way... Cheers, RickO
I sent back to Mint, 2 of 3 Denver and 1 of 3 Philadelphia Morgans due to milk spots.
Peace, but has a mark across the L there (crappy iphone pic sorry)
My PCGS profile
what a disaster
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Maybe the Mint was trying to make the coins realistic with bag marks?
I’m glad I sat this one out.
All three peace dollars had a milk spot in the same location and one had a ding mark on the forehead. Honestly, I am unsure if I should return them or simply return them or sell them at discount to ebay price. I can handle the ding but funny enough the milk spot really bothers me
Aerospace Structures Engineer
Any chance of some pictures for the “file” so to speak. Sorry but there’s a bunch of us so we hear you
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Wow! I don't think milk spots on other mint issues appeared for many months or longer, at least in my experience.
Makes me think these were struck a long time ago and that they knew there were issues with them, but chose to release anyway. Something like "Just get 'em out the door. I'm tired of looking at them."
how many people here are returning their entire shipment of a single mintmark morgan (ex: all Ds are bad) or peace?
I'll post pictures tomorrow. I have a D with a horrible contact mark across the face.
Maybe all these bad one's that are showing up will be heavily discounted on ebay later. Lol
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Or someone will promote some of these as a rare 2021 “Scarface” variety in reference to an expensive VAM variety for one of the classic Morgan issues.
I have multiple peace dollars with the exact same die polish lines or strike throughs. No idea if those would grade 70.. as they are “as struck”.
48 hours and already at AU58!
My eBay page: https://www.ebay.com/usr/alvareznumismatics
Ill give you melt. 😈
Very generous.
I always am. ☺️
Maybe a lot of these will end up in the melting pot like many classic Morgans did after the Pittman Act. It looks like they are making it like old time sake: poor quality control, bag marks, and perhaps a great melt.
I thought that there were some rare original Morgan’s with what was known as scar face due to die cracks on cheek of lady liberty and sold for decent money if I’m a high grade. I may be wrong, I was hoping I might get a Morgan with error but it seems that there were so many that perfect coins is where the money might be in the future or values could just tank across the range.
I sent some in, will see what happens. I'll let you know how they do. I didn't cull any, should be interesting.
I sent some in that had issues i noticed when stacking them up... Min grade of 69. Any bets on what % will come back No Grade?
Sounds like there will be a lower mintage of Peace Dollars after the mint melts the returns and less that grade 70.
The 3 I received all look like they will grade 70
Not heard much of anything negative about the peace
Maybe that’s why it took 5 months so the big buyers could get them graded and get back all the rejects to returns them to the mint so they can ship them out to the little guy’s. I just see blue and red fibers in the capsules along with some kind of skin cells that makes the spots just a lot of crap in the capsules. Could of did a better job out side in a dust storm. You can see it in the Morgan’s in the Mindy9773 pic on her chin that little white dot that will get bigger if you leave it and not dip it. If it’s not to late already.
Hoard the keys.
I got 3 CC Morgans that had a Notch at the bottom of the neck. It looks like a flaw in the die as it was in all 3 of mine and the one I sent for grading it came back 69. So i bought another but graded 70 and it was not there. So I am chalking it up to and error or flaw maybe even a VAM variety. How can I have it checked for a rarity?