Thoughts About The Texans

Yesterday's Rams/ Texans game featured what I think is the worst performance by any NFL team that I've ever seen. They were pathetic. Hapless. There was no energy. The Rams aren't THAT good. So it got me to thinking. Maybe all the controversy surrounding Watson has demoralized the whole team. Every team needs a leader. The Texans clearly don't have one. That game was a sad spectacle....... Thoughts anyone?
The Texans did score 21 points in the 4th quarter but they were total give aways. At that rate they theoretically could have scored 84 points in the game. I don't think so. Those 3 touchdowns were a joke. The game was over before it started and midway through the 3rd. quarter the Rams were just going through the motions looking like the only reason they were on the field was to avoid injuries and to not further humiliate the Texans. Maybe there's too many teams in the league and not enough talent to recruit?
I for one am not surprised. We as city have squandered some of the greatest talent available in history while making bad bets on players in the same motion.
On the other hand, how can I start Watson with this kind and as many allegations and have him lead other men?
It may even be a liability in the teammates themselves that they don't want to start him. Maybe a few of the guys aren't cool with what's alleged and maybe they decide not to block this round.... I certainly wouldn't want a valuable trade being injured because of locker room personalities.
A new leader must step up here. I don't care if we lose the rest of the year...but much like Matthew McConaughey in 'We are Marshall' I think we just need that voice, the guy that says we're as down as we've ever been but we can get back!
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
If I'm wrong, and if the Texans are o.k. and just got beat by a better team then the Rams are unbeatable. I'd like it to be that way but I don't think that's the case.
quick, name 3 players on the Texans' roster
that's what i thought
zero talent, fire hydrant. the cupboard is bare.
that's why the asking price for Watson is tantamount to a king's ransom, otherwise they run the risk of royally sucking until the next time Halley's Comet makes an appearance
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I don't really follow the Texans, god knows I have a hard enough time following the Panthers, but I think the Watson situation definitely hurt them, Watson didn't want to be there anyway, the whole team is in a shambles.
That game was so hard to watch that I actually found myself rooting for the Texans.......I just wanted them to do SOMETHING..... ANYTHING!
All of this and more.
Help us draft gods help!
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
I'm a Panthers fan, I feel your pain.
Well,....The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant just walked through the door. Topic of conversation?..... Rams/Texans.......People are in agreement. Worst game ever. But there's more. She says Vegas had the Rams winning with a 16 point spread. Final score?.......38-22.......Hummm.....
They are terrible and the fact that the Rams just allowed them to score all those points to cover the spread is absolutely suspect to me.
O’Brien dismantled this team to the point it will take a sweeping change, a fire sale and 4 years of drafts to be 8-9. After that keep drafting winners. MHO. The Texans will no be relevant for the next 8-10 years.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Straight up suspect along with all the sport betting promos the announcers and hosts push.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
Yes. Especially the two point conversion. I thought at the time....why?.....WHY ?......what difference could it possibly make?
And.......there was a pass interference call, late in the game, I can't remember offensive or defensive?, that kept the Rams at 38 points. There was NO interference on the play. NONE! The announcer of the game was speechless on the replay. That was one weird game.
Look, I don't gamble. Never have. I don't know anything about it. The terminology.... NOTHING! BUT.....trying to put things together, I'm thinking that it was a sure win for the Rams so why not cover the spread and somebody makes money. ......I honestly don't even know what "cover the spread" means. I can't get that game out of my head.......Sorry if I'm boring you all with team won! So why do I suspect something fishy?
any possible link; Roger Goodell paid 128MM over the last 2 years!
Suspect is not the word for some shady points covering. Houston needed 2 to get within 2 scores. How about Thursday night? I’m not complaining because I made out but the fix was in. 2 high powered offenses. Everyone in China took the overs at 50.5. Jones scored a TD to push it over and the call was overturned with zero evidence from all 6 angles. Packers fail to score and them Arizona was picked in the end zone. Over betters were pulling their hair out. All that scoring after a 10-7 halftime score. Very, very suspect.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
The bottom line is your playing against the other team, the ref’s and Vegas
O.K., boys.....The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant is back from her Disneyland vacation. I'm non-stop bothering her about the Rams /Texans game. She tells me I'm not listening to her. So........
1. She says the Rams are SO Good and I can't believe it.
2. She is making phone calls to "Inside Sources" right now. Info is trickling in. Interesting stuff.
2a. Miami Dolphins are involved.
2b. Texan players are not happy protecting Watson.
2c. Watson is a jerk on multiple levels.
2d. The Dolphins have NO confidence in TUA......DUMP CITY!
4. I'll keep you updated.
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