Patriots vs Chargers - I placed a bet

in Sports Talk
I placed a bet with my wife on the Patriots vs Chargers game, the loser has to buy the winner a steak and baked potato dinner!
I picked the Chargers to win, but I'm kind of regretting it, the Patriots put up a lot of points against the Jets last weekend.
Pics or it didn't happen
No sir, I have only revealed my true self one time on the forum, long ago, and I have vowed never to make that mistake again!
I meant of the food
No sir, the food must also remain a mystery, it's true image will never be revealed!
the Chargers are a very good team. dangerous for sure.
The patriots are developing a pretty effective ball control type of offense with short passes and runs. they may have a chance if they can keep SDs offense off the field.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Ok. It's your fiesta. Just don't be like Reuben and have too many.
the bad thing about placing a wager with your wife is that you always lose. Either way the money eventually will always come out of your checkbook.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Batman does not reveal his true identity. If you're thinking about going through the archives to find that photo of me, don't waste you're time, I'm one step ahead of you and I have erased it!
.....Not for DD, he already told us he steals from her purse
OK Reuben
I'm picking the Pats to win this game.
@doubledragon you are most likely an AI that spawned out of this 80s arcade game.
It's under Legacy.
Hello, would you like one or two players?
very true. but he has to be careful... very very careful
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Not so fast longshanks, I have plenty of friends among the rodent population who are more than willing to do my dirty work for me, they can be bribed with a slice of Kraft singles!
I remember those pics. You and the wife, outside somewhere eating. Maybe a sidewalk cafe or amusement park break area. I have a photographic memory, so if I ever decided to turn to a life of crime and become a comic book villian, you'd be in trouble, and always having to watch your back, Batman!
i'm an elephant and remember double d's pic as well. a fine-looking couple!
no need for Ulysses Grant to make an appearance
edit: i even remember what he said he did for a living
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I see ideas for another DD initiated thread materializing right before my eyes...
"What would be some good supervillian names and characteristics for Count and Galaxy, and anyone else that knows Batman's true identity?"
"What would we call this supergroup of villians?"
Proof that I did indeed reveal my identity at one point, I think perkdog may have seen my true identity as well. For those of you who caught a glimpse of me unmasked, consider yourselves lucky, for it will never happen again, and this I vow!
The Chargers will win this game, everyone is excited about the 64 points last week and all the talk about Jones improvement ect.. which is true but last week was the Jets, they are a complete disaster. The Chargers are a top tier team. I love the my Pats but they won’t be beating the Chargers.
Double D, you need to send a pic of your dinner upon receiving it lol
I dont remember what DD said he did for a living, but in my mind he is a Spy. maybe a russian spy...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
He works full time for CU Sports Talk, I have to remind him from time to time to to make sure he takes care of his time card and give enough notice when he is taking off early or whatever.
This rumor of me revealing what I do for a living is completely untrue, I have always maintained that I shall never reveal the secrets of my profession!
Lies, lies, nothing but lies, this whole thread is littered with scandal!