I would also point out that there's a level of privilege in the argument from EOC. Those same deflationary affects that we're lauding are probably the single greatest reason for the growing wealth gap. They don't benefit the lower wage workers at all. In fact, they tend to be an existential threat to their jobs and well being.
I agree, and it bothers me.
I'm doing pretty well. Because of that, my kids will likely be fine. But the "bottom half" of affluence is hurting, and will be more so... and that's just in this country. Global climate change will hurt the has-nots horribly across the globe.
Well beyond the scope of 'how do I invest to hedge against XYZ'... what the heck can we do to help those that most need help?
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022 . Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
I would also point out that there's a level of privilege in the argument from EOC. Those same deflationary affects that we're lauding are probably the single greatest reason for the growing wealth gap. They don't benefit the lower wage workers at all. In fact, they tend to be an existential threat to their jobs and well being.
I agree, and it bothers me.
I'm doing pretty well. Because of that, my kids will likely be fine. But the "bottom half" of affluence is hurting, and will be more so... and that's just in this country. Global climate change will hurt the has-nots horribly across the globe.
Well beyond the scope of 'how do I invest to hedge against XYZ'... what the heck can we do to help those that most need help?
Quoting myself to realize that I am in danger of steering this thread further toward politics. Don't want that. Do want to keep in mind those who need help. Ob coins: Got any spare change?
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022 . Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
I would also point out that there's a level of privilege in the argument from EOC. Those same deflationary affects that we're lauding are probably the single greatest reason for the growing wealth gap. They don't benefit the lower wage workers at all. In fact, they tend to be an existential threat to their jobs and well being.
I agree, and it bothers me.
I'm doing pretty well. Because of that, my kids will likely be fine. But the "bottom half" of affluence is hurting, and will be more so... and that's just in this country. Global climate change will hurt the has-nots horribly across the globe.
Well beyond the scope of 'how do I invest to hedge against XYZ'... what the heck can we do to help those that most need help?
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
Again...the inflation number they are calculating is year-over-year. There has been NO technological advance over the last year that offsets the year-over-year inflation. IN FACT, your identical iPhone probably costs more this year than last year even with no new features.
The price increases in milk, eggs, meat, and gas are inflation, pure and simple.
Numismatically rare coins (Gold, silver, nickel or copper)
Agree tech products have gotten cheaper but you just have to remember for most Americans and most people around the world, food, energy (gas/nat gas), and housing accounts for most of their income. The teacher down the street from you might buy an iPhone once but she buys groceries every week, and the more food/energy that eats into her income, the less she feels she needs to spend on a new iPhone or that Starbucks latte. We are blessed because we buy shiny coins with our extra income but 85+% of the world isn't that blessed. Inflation is a tax on the poor.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
Again...the inflation number they are calculating is year-over-year. There has been NO technological advance over the last year that offsets the year-over-year inflation. IN FACT, your identical iPhone probably costs more this year than last year even with no new features.
The price increases in milk, eggs, meat, and gas are inflation, pure and simple.
The new iPhone has 3 lenses and advances in movie making I believe but have not read up on it as I do not do video.
I am a professional photographer of more that 40 years. The cost of adding two new lenses to a camera system would be more that the iPhone itself, thus deflation.
Numismatically rare coins (Gold, silver, nickel or copper)
@HoldTheMayo said:
. The teacher down the street from you might buy an iPhone once but she buys groceries every week, a
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
My daughter just became a grade school teacher exactly two weeks ago today.
She has an iPhone. back to 1991, she would also have to buy a typewriter, calculator, perhaps a camera, dictionary, encyclopedias, go to all the stores to buy supplies wasting gas as opposed to amazon prime.
One more thing, everyone is talking, inflation, everyone, for months now . Did your cabbie tell you about the inflation out there
Numismatically rare coins (Gold, silver, nickel or copper)
@ErrorsOnCoins Congrats to your daughter! Thats great news. Not hearing inflation from cabbies though, from CEO's on input costs rising on stock quarterly earning calls
Starbucks down 7% today makes you wonder, are consumers not spending as much because less $$$ in wallets?
Numismatically rare coins (Gold, silver, nickel or copper)
@HoldTheMayo said: @ErrorsOnCoins Congrats to your daughter! Thats great news. Not hearing inflation from cabbies though, from CEO's on input costs rising on stock quarterly earning calls
Starbucks down 7% today makes you wonder, are consumers not spending as much because less $$$ in wallets?
Thank you, she has worked extremely hard to have her dream job.
I do know what the CEO's are saying as I keep close tabs on the market. It's all supply chain problems that will be resolved and then we will have a glut of inventory.
You do not have to go to Starbucks for coffee. I drink too much coffee every day, I have had Starbucks coffee exactly one time and it was delicious. I think I heard Starbucks was down today because of labor costs which some say is inflation. I say it is good for society if the lowest paying jobs pay way more now and the poorest workers can afford way more now out pacing so called non existent inflation.
@HoldTheMayo said: @ErrorsOnCoins Congrats to your daughter! Thats great news. Not hearing inflation from cabbies though, from CEO's on input costs rising on stock quarterly earning calls
Starbucks down 7% today makes you wonder, are consumers not spending as much because less $$$ in wallets?
Thank you, she has worked extremely hard to have her dream job.
I do know what the CEO's are saying as I keep close tabs on the market. It's all supply chain problems that will be resolved and then we will have a glut of inventory.
You do not have to go to Starbucks for coffee. I drink too much coffee every day, I have had Starbucks coffee exactly one time and it was delicious. I think I heard Starbucks was down today because of labor costs which some say is inflation. I say it is good for society if the lowest paying jobs pay way more now and the poorest workers can afford way more now out pacing so called non existent inflation.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
Again...the inflation number they are calculating is year-over-year. There has been NO technological advance over the last year that offsets the year-over-year inflation. IN FACT, your identical iPhone probably costs more this year than last year even with no new features.
The price increases in milk, eggs, meat, and gas are inflation, pure and simple.
The new iPhone has 3 lenses and advances in movie making I believe but have not read up on it as I do not do video.
I am a professional photographer of more that 40 years. The cost of adding two new lenses to a camera system would be more that the iPhone itself, thus deflation.
@HoldTheMayo said: @ErrorsOnCoins Congrats to your daughter! Thats great news. Not hearing inflation from cabbies though, from CEO's on input costs rising on stock quarterly earning calls
Starbucks down 7% today makes you wonder, are consumers not spending as much because less $$$ in wallets?
Thank you, she has worked extremely hard to have her dream job.
I do know what the CEO's are saying as I keep close tabs on the market. It's all supply chain problems that will be resolved and then we will have a glut of inventory.
You do not have to go to Starbucks for coffee. I drink too much coffee every day, I have had Starbucks coffee exactly one time and it was delicious. I think I heard Starbucks was down today because of labor costs which some say is inflation. I say it is good for society if the lowest paying jobs pay way more now and the poorest workers can afford way more now out pacing so called non existent inflation.
The cabbie comment was meant for JM, sorry.
My Uber driver is definitely talking about inflation. YOU'RE the only one who isn't.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
Again...the inflation number they are calculating is year-over-year. There has been NO technological advance over the last year that offsets the year-over-year inflation. IN FACT, your identical iPhone probably costs more this year than last year even with no new features.
The price increases in milk, eggs, meat, and gas are inflation, pure and simple.
The new iPhone has 3 lenses and advances in movie making I believe but have not read up on it as I do not do video.
I am a professional photographer of more that 40 years. The cost of adding two new lenses to a camera system would be more that the iPhone itself, thus deflation.
I said "identical iPhone" not the new model.
Ya my buggy whip still works just fine.
New tech and productivity is the point of deflation.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
Again...the inflation number they are calculating is year-over-year. There has been NO technological advance over the last year that offsets the year-over-year inflation. IN FACT, your identical iPhone probably costs more this year than last year even with no new features.
The price increases in milk, eggs, meat, and gas are inflation, pure and simple.
The new iPhone has 3 lenses and advances in movie making I believe but have not read up on it as I do not do video.
I am a professional photographer of more that 40 years. The cost of adding two new lenses to a camera system would be more that the iPhone itself, thus deflation.
I said "identical iPhone" not the new model.
Ya my buggy whip still works just fine.
New tech and productivity is the point of deflation.
AGAIN, the issue is year over year inflation not 20 year megatrends
You're so obsessed with your effing iPhone, you don't care that poor people are paying 50% more to get to work or 10% more to eat. I won't use the P word because it upsets you but, damn bro, look around and talk to your cabbie. His gas costs and auto parts have gone way up and he's hurting.
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
@amwldcoin said:
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
Don't have one. There are better uses for my money.
You better get one. Otherwise you'll inflate without deflating.
Are you still rebutting somebody's silly argument that inflation isn't real, and/or isn't hurting anyone?
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022 . Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
@amwldcoin said:
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
@amwldcoin said:
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
@amwldcoin said:
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
But what about your iPhone?
But did you pay that $1,200 using US coins?
(Trying to inject a bit of 'on topic' into this thread... 😉
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022 . Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
@amwldcoin said:
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
But what about your iPhone?
But did you pay that $1,200 using US coins?
(Trying to inject a bit of 'on topic' into this thread... 😉
Long term I don't really like any of those general categories. Many choices from solid blue chip securities, to specfic real estate and certain collectibles will do very well.
"Common date Saints and Morgans" are typically bought for the same reason as "plain bullion both gold and silver,"
a cheap precious metal play.
It's a good thing your kayak runs on arm power and not $7.00 a gallon petro. Plus you can have fish for Thanksgiving
No that's deflating.
I agree, and it bothers me.
I'm doing pretty well. Because of that, my kids will likely be fine. But the "bottom half" of affluence is hurting, and will be more so... and that's just in this country. Global climate change will hurt the has-nots horribly across the globe.
Well beyond the scope of 'how do I invest to hedge against XYZ'... what the heck can we do to help those that most need help?
That is twice now that you have associated me with privilege, that is BS so stop.
Quoting myself to realize that I am in danger of steering this thread further toward politics. Don't want that. Do want to keep in mind those who need help. Ob coins: Got any spare change?
Yikes now you got me wondering what fish with cranberry sauce tastes like?
We’ll be in Destin seeing the in-laws for Thanksgiving. Last time we did this I cooked a full on fried seafood dinner.
Tartar sauce not cranberry
Bullion because it is much more liquid.
Cathie Wood is the most overrated fund manager ever. Buyer beware.
I just heard one CNBC that inflation is the highest since 1991.
I have as iPhone that kicks inflation in the ass. No iPhones in 1991. How doers inflation account for the iPhone?
I think I bought my very first computer about that time for mega bucks as it was a Macintosh.
This year I bought a new iMac for $2500 which was way cheaper than my first Macs and perform a billion times better, that be deflation.
Again...the inflation number they are calculating is year-over-year. There has been NO technological advance over the last year that offsets the year-over-year inflation. IN FACT, your identical iPhone probably costs more this year than last year even with no new features.
The price increases in milk, eggs, meat, and gas are inflation, pure and simple.
Agree tech products have gotten cheaper but you just have to remember for most Americans and most people around the world, food, energy (gas/nat gas), and housing accounts for most of their income. The teacher down the street from you might buy an iPhone once but she buys groceries every week, and the more food/energy that eats into her income, the less she feels she needs to spend on a new iPhone or that Starbucks latte. We are blessed because we buy shiny coins with our extra income but 85+% of the world isn't that blessed. Inflation is a tax on the poor.
The new iPhone has 3 lenses and advances in movie making I believe but have not read up on it as I do not do video.
I am a professional photographer of more that 40 years. The cost of adding two new lenses to a camera system would be more that the iPhone itself, thus deflation.
My daughter just became a grade school teacher exactly two weeks ago today.
She has an iPhone. back to 1991, she would also have to buy a typewriter, calculator, perhaps a camera, dictionary, encyclopedias, go to all the stores to buy supplies wasting gas as opposed to amazon prime.
One more thing, everyone is talking, inflation, everyone, for months now . Did your cabbie tell you about the inflation out there


@ErrorsOnCoins Congrats to your daughter! Thats great news. Not hearing inflation from cabbies though, from CEO's on input costs rising on stock quarterly earning calls

Starbucks down 7% today makes you wonder, are consumers not spending as much because less $$$ in wallets?
Thank you, she has worked extremely hard to have her dream job.
I do know what the CEO's are saying as I keep close tabs on the market. It's all supply chain problems that will be resolved and then we will have a glut of inventory.
You do not have to go to Starbucks for coffee. I drink too much coffee every day, I have had Starbucks coffee exactly one time and it was delicious. I think I heard Starbucks was down today because of labor costs which some say is inflation. I say it is good for society if the lowest paying jobs pay way more now and the poorest workers can afford way more now out pacing so called non existent inflation.
The cabbie comment was meant for JM, sorry.
Blinded by the light, woke up with Mr. ***** in my heart!
I said "identical iPhone" not the new model.
My Uber driver is definitely talking about inflation. YOU'RE the only one who isn't.
Ya my buggy whip still works just fine.
New tech and productivity is the point of deflation.
Earlier this year especially on the PM forum everyone was freaking out about lumber prices.
I googled this chart (free information, deflation) from Fortune Magazine ....
I guess supply met demand ...
AGAIN, the issue is year over year inflation not 20 year megatrends
You're so obsessed with your effing iPhone, you don't care that poor people are paying 50% more to get to work or 10% more to eat. I won't use the P word because it upsets you but, damn bro, look around and talk to your cabbie. His gas costs and auto parts have gone way up and he's hurting.
Less than 6 months price changes here:
Ground Chuck on sale..$2.98 to $3.78 a pound (regular ole hamburger was $4.98 a pound today)
Lettuce $1.48 to $2.48 a head
Milk $1.89 to $3.09 a gallon
Misc Pork Chops on sale $1.78 to $2.48 a pound (Publix has them on sale this week for $3.78 a pound)
Broccoli Crowns $2.48 to $3.98 a pound
Steaks to painful to talk about!
Tons of stuff that used to go on sale Buy 1 get 1 free doesn't happen anymore.
I could go on and on. I'm a big time price and sale watcher. This is what I have seen grocery shopping here.
Nah...that ain't inflation and nothing to worry about. Glad I'm not living pay check to pay check anymore!
But what about your iPhone?
Easy: GOLD bullion
Don't have one. There are better uses for my money.
You better get one. Otherwise you'll inflate without deflating.
High school was a long time ago, I don't care what the cool kids think is important.
graded pre-33 gold coins are treating me well, the market is red hot now, pre-civil war dates are very popular
Are you still rebutting somebody's silly argument that inflation isn't real, and/or isn't hurting anyone?
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
No, I'm joking with someone else.
Are you suggesting that I'M not the cool kid?
I don't know. What is your opinion of iphones?
Paid $1200 last year...more than double my last one!
I believe they call that deflation.
But did you pay that $1,200 using US coins?
(Trying to inject a bit of 'on topic' into this thread... 😉
Nah...0% 24 month financing!
Ammo/100 dollar bags junk silver/stocks.
Just bumping this thread to the top of the list. Probably against forum best practices, but lots to revisit here
I have been working on a box of twenty in common date $20 Saints and $20 Liberty no Morgan's.
Short term there is nowhere to hide.
Long term I don't really like any of those general categories. Many choices from solid blue chip securities, to specfic real estate and certain collectibles will do very well.
I'm not sure that the chart tracking rare coins take into account the average collector buys retail and sells wholesale.
Works for the dealer who buys a $5,500 coin that is CAC at auction for $4,000 and immediately turns around and offers it for sale at $7,950