OT: your favorite old school arcade game?

i smoked Qix like crack back in the early 80s
the sound effects still slay me
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
i smoked Qix like crack back in the early 80s
the sound effects still slay me
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Spent many hours in my teen years spending quarters upon quarters on this one! It's not one of the more well known ones but very very addictive!
And this one was my co-favorite!
Qbert. I learned the drop sequence and could play hours on end. It took me 20 minutes to kill all the lives (I think I had over 200 one time) when I left so I could put my top ranking in.
i've never even HEARD of Satan's Hollow
methinks i need to play it......................for about 7 hours straight
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
It is similar to Galaga if you've ever played that. The Satan's Hollow me and my buddies played was in a game room in a Holiday Inn in Ft Lauderdale near where I grew up. And that's the only one I ever saw anywhere. Must have been a low production game?
Anybody here remember pin-ball? The spring loaded shooter? The big steely? And the flappers? And all the holes in the table?
I love pinball! Especially those old electro-mechanical pins from the 60's and 70's! I have a few on my wish list but the wife says I already have too many toys around the house and no room for more! lol
I grew up in the 90s, so my favorites were Mortal Kombat. I spent so much time and money playing this game it's ridiculous. I practically lived at the arcade, and any money I earned went directly into this machine.
Look into a virtual pinball machine. You can save money and get an Arcade Legends one or spend (possibly a lot) more and get a custom one. They play recreations of real pinball tables or video game impossible-in-real-life pinball games. You can have a couple thousand pinball games in the space of one pinball table.
In the arcade, without a doubt, Time Pilot was my favorite!
At home, was blessed to have access to a Strat-O-Flite pinball machine:
And, at Grandma's (yes, Grandma's!) was Mystic Marvel, a pinball machine my mom & uncle grew up playing:
I will check into that @Tabe, thank you!
i was a big missile command fan
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Not of my era but the local arcade had these
Loved playing QIX in the very early 80s. I thought I was a stud getting 120K points regularly. There were half a dozen in my area. Went to the Knoxville World's Fair in 1982. They had an arcade with several dozen video games. They had 6 or7 QIX games. The top 10 scores on each one were over a million points. Didn't play just left. Wouldn't mind playing a game or two now.
WOW I totally forgot about Time Pilot!! I loved that game!!
Scramble was one of my favorites
I have ps2 discs that have a lot of these games. good stuff, the stuff i'd hit the arcade and spend money on - pac mans across the board, tempest, asteroids all versions, all the kongs, etc
I probably allocated a year of my life to this game
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Loved Asteroids. I prefer any pinball. Also Ms pac man and kaboom.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
This was another great game
Any pin ball machine that I could rack up free games. Always had to leave 4-5 games for the kids waiting as I had to go. There was a pinball game at 2 guys. The maintenance guy would unplug to get us to leave it because my buddy and I played all day for free on the free games I racked up. Hand, eye coordination was superior to the games.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I spent much time my senior year at UGA racking up free games on the pinball machines in the student center between classes. Had the high score on Star Trek Next Gen and Guns N Roses for like the whole year.
tempest was incredible @perkdog
my final contribution.........moon patrol anyone?
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Another favorite
Indeed, That was one of my favorites!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Now I remember! Pac Man and Joust. Joust had knights riding on ostriches. Self explanatory. I used to play them every Friday night at the local pizza joint when my first two boys were very young. Good memories. Mama served up the best meatballs ever! Made fresh daily.
I am pumped!! I didn’t realize you could buy these games for the PS4!!