Rams vs. Lions

Off to the game tomorrow. Early. The Rams are the best team in the league. The Lions are the worst. Bad luck. I'll be pulling for Detroit. I predict an upset. It will serve those Lambs right for trading my boy off to never -never land. GO LIONS!
Ole reverse physiology. I like it
FYI the Rams were 17.5 favs last year against the Jets at home and the Rams pooped the bed and lost.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Oh, yea! But Mark.....I want the Lions to win......for real!
Jared Goff revenge game, I love a good revenge game. I still remember when Favre got his revenge on the Packers, the Packers fans booed Brett Favre, I was entertained, I recall laughing.
O.K., I'm crazy. Everyone tells me that so I accept it. But......I truly, honestly believe that McVay was behind the trade because his girlfriend was upset that Goffs girlfriend was hotter than she is.
Just look at McVay's hair. He's so vain. He needs to lay off the hair gel. Girly Boy......with connections.
fire hydrant if you take a picture with the lovely mrs. hydrant at the game tomorrow i'll paypal you $50
i've read so much about her over the years that i feel like i'm on the verge of going bananas
dead serious. quid quo pro bro. use it to buy little hydrantette Jenny an extra Christmas gift
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Hey, Galaxy,....I'd post pictures of me with the Rams cheerleaders AND The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant except I don't want you guys going off your rockers plus I only operate off a cheap tablet that won't post photos. I've asked The Lovely Hydrant Daughter-In Law Monica to help me out with the photo thing but she won't do it.......BUT......watch the game tomorrow....... The camera ALWAYS focuses in on the Hydrant girls at some point. Never fails!
Your the Man buddy 👍🏼👍🏼
Old school Hydrant lol 👍🏼👍🏼
Off topic but....the Rams Cheerleaders are a good group of girls. They always help me when I need help. Sometimes I fake an injury just so they will help me up and down the steps and put me in my seat. It works every time. I know they are on to the scam but it's fun......hey......they even remove those stupid masks when I ask them to......How else could I get my kiss! I love going to the game!..........CHEERLEADERS!!!!!!
I hear you brother, I need to upgrade my phone, I got a piece of garbage samsung galaxy and it's so loaded with gifs and memes that it constantly cuts off, it reminds me every hour that the storage space is running low, it's even threatened me. I just laugh at it and download another aaron rodgers meme.
The ab> @doubledragon said:
That's what I'm hoping for. REVENGE GAME.!....
@Hydrant enjoy the game beatdown tomorrow
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
The Lovely Mrs.Hydrant just returned home from a shopping spree . Buying supplies for the tailgate party tomorrow. Why did I give her my debit card?? WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!. She has invited the whole world to the party but now she tells me that she doesn't want to go to the game! "Why?" I ask. She says, "Because I don't want to see Jared Goff get beat up.". I told her that the Lions were going to win the game. She said, " I know, but he's going to get beat up.". ....women...Sweet Baby Jesus! Go Lions! ...REVENGE!
I'm a Lions fan who grew up 5 minutes from the Silverdome. For the first, probably only, time in my life I am rooting against them. I hope Stafford hangs 60 on them.
I'm curious, why? I could guess but...
Because Stafford deserved better in Detroit. The Lions held him back and it's great watching him do well playing for an organization that's not a total cluster. I've been a big fan of his since day one and want to see him make them pay.
That makes sense.