Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Can I see a pick of this one?
Gem Uncirculated 66 PPQ
PM sent
"Gem Uncirculated 65 PPQ - $34 (10 with a set of 3 consecutive S/Ns and 2 sets of 2 cons. S/Ns)" "Gem Uncirculated 65 PPQ - $34 (12 with a set of 6 cons. S/Ns, 3 cons. S/Ns and 2 cons. S/Ns)"
Can I get a pic of these? Thanks!
orders to date have shipped, check you PMs for tracking. And than you.
purchases have shipped check your PMs for tracking info. thanks again
Can I see a pick of this one?
Gem Uncirculated 66 PPQ
PM sent
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
"Gem Uncirculated 65 PPQ - $34 (10 with a set of 3 consecutive S/Ns and 2 sets of 2 cons. S/Ns)"
"Gem Uncirculated 65 PPQ - $34 (12 with a set of 6 cons. S/Ns, 3 cons. S/Ns and 2 cons. S/Ns)"
Can I get a pic of these? Thanks!
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
orders to date have shipped, check you PMs for tracking. And than you.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
purchases have shipped check your PMs for tracking info. thanks again
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
purchases have shipped check your PMs for tracking info. thanks again
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.