my latest finds: 2 birthday notes

They were found a couple of days apart from each other but what's crazy about the notes are the dates. Take a look!!
They were found a couple of days apart from each other but what's crazy about the notes are the dates. Take a look!!
Nice finds. I’ve came close (within one day) but haven’t found mine yet.
What is your date if you dont mind telling me? I have a few more that I found. Let me know.
I’m looking for 07041952, July 4th 1952.
This is the closest I’ve found so far…
Wow, born on the fourth!!! That's awesome!
I will keep on looking.
Question, someone wants to buy one of the birthday note from me. I never sold anything before. How much does a birthday note go for?
These routinely sell on eBay from anywhere from $5 to $40 over face value. Sometimes more if it’s a replacement note in UNC condition. Type the dates into Google to see if anyone famous was born on those dates. I’ve also seen (and purchased) Birth Year notes.