Bills Or Bikinis?

in Sports Talk
O.k.,.....So I'm watching the replay of the Bills/Titans game. Right now. Fast forward...freeze frame ...reverse.... speed up. You get the picture. Then I leave the room to get a popsicle. Cherry. When get back to the T.V. room BAYWATCH is on the tube. I say to the Lovely Mrs. Hydrant, "What happened to the game?" She says, "Jenny picked out those popsicles." I say, "Yea, but I was watching the game.". She says, " Just watch Baywatch..... You'll love the girls in their bikinis." Well.......HELP!!!......Question;... Would you rather watch the Bills or hot chicks in bikinis? 👙👙👙👙👙👙 HELP!!
In my younger days, a very good combination would have been sticking bills into bikinis at certain establishmints.
Now that is.....FUNNY!
It sounds like you don’t have a choice
Never have.
Bills or bikinis? Neither, give me a good Urban Meyer bar video or Jon Gruden email scandal any day of the week.