What fancy serial numbers are worth keeping?

I have some $1 notes with several 1's in the serial number. I have one where the last 6 digits are all 1's. How about 4 or 5 consecutive numbers? The rest of the pack all has 3-4 or 5 - 1's consecutive.
So far I have found Serial #G92111111D - G92111129D
Does PCGS list "Fancy Numbers" with the normal grading fee or is it extra.
Are these worth keeping or submitting for grading?

I’m not certain about PCGS’s policy, but PMG will add the comment Solid Serial Number, Radar Serial Number, Ladder Serial Number and other descriptions associated with the note at no charge. The note with serial number G92111129D is a Radar. The first note is kinda cool and I’d probably keep it if I found it and if it was in AU or UNC condition. Neither note meets my threshold for the added expense of grading. Just keep them in a quality currency sleeve. This website gives collectors an idea of what to look for. http://www.coolserialnumbers.com/FancySerialNumbers.aspx
In the world of fancy numbers yours are pretty cool.
If you like them, just keep them...but not worth grading