How much do women really know about our world?

You ever wonder how much women know about sports, well I decided to put this question to the test this past weekend, literally. I came up with ten questions about sports to ask my wife, and here are the results. The questions are listed up top and the answers are on the bottom. I have to give her credit, she did better than I expected.
What team did Joe Montana play for?
What number did Michael Jordan wear?
What sport did Jack Nicklaus play?
What number does Tom Brady wear?
What team did Babe Ruth play for?
What team won four Super Bowls in the 1970s?
Who is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys?
Who won the Super Bowl last season?
What team did Larry Bird play for?
What sport did Ted Williams play?
Jimmy Johnson
Pointless, useless post for editing purposes!
Why aren't the numbers on the bottom corresponding with the numbers on top? I double checked it.
Good gravy man, well here, numbers 1-10 are the questions, and numbers 11-20 are the answers.
My wife knows about Josh Allen. She listens to me that’s about it. Ask her how many stitches per square inch on Louis Vuitton purse or the 93 colors of red that match with $500 shoes she’ll tell you everything you want to know.
Moral, we know Jack squat about women. Women know we want beer, food, sex and football.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
They are a very mysterious species. 🤔
They’re not even from Mars. It was Gods way of punishment for men every where. Can’t live with them, can’t bury them under the house.
I love my wife dearly. We found each other late in life and have only been married 2 years. But from my years of failure, 2 marriages, 3 more long time relationships I have found the secret to a happy life, happy wife.
Move closer kids and I’ll tell you. Two words. “Yes dear” and you’ll be deemed a genius for life.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Yes, that is the key to a happy marriage, "yes ma'am."
My wife also knows who Urban Meyer is, I made sure of that. I can't live with a woman who doesn't know who he is.
Of course, every now and then I have to stage an uprising against my wife when I need to protest something that I feel is unfair, steak was overcooked, hogging the TV remote, etc. That's when I break out the "no Ma'am" uniform and take it to the streets!
Blueberry pie for dessert again, we just had that last night, I'm taking it to the streets!
I just ordered one of these tees lol
Al Bundy is a national treasure!
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
An absolute legend.
God I miss good TV
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
My wife is the absolute best! We met 25 years ago as opponents in a co-ed softball league. She was a left handed catcher on the other team and I would razz her about it every trip to the plate I made. We blossomed eventually to where we are today years later! She is very athletic, and ran cross country in college and has a knowledge of sports I would put up against anyone! She's my best friend!
I would say equally when it comes to the Michael Jordan & Babe Ruth questions.
I could confidently say she would ace that quiz then ask me what kind of silly questions are those! lol
Answer #12??
Ah yes, the question for that one was "what number did Michael Jordan wear" and my wife said number 43, that was one of the questions she missed, she actually did better than I thought she would, she got 7 out of 10 correct. I thought she would get maybe 2 or 3 correct, but she surprised me!
The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant knows more about the NFL than I'll ever know....Inside stuff!!!!!!!
...example;....... a couple of weeks ago, before Russell Wilson got injured, she mentioned to me that the name "Geno Smith" is craziest name EVER for a football player........ I didn't give much thought at the time. Now, he's a starting QB. She knew. She has NFL -ESP! Bad part,......Terry Bradshaw and her are best buddies........ Oh,....the stories I could tell!.........I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the photos DD has locked in his vault!
Here is the quiz again with the questions and the corresponding answers:
What team did Joe Montana play for?
What number did Michael Jordan wear?
What sport did Jack Nicklaus play?
What number does Tom Brady wear?
What team did Babe Ruth play for?
What team won four Super Bowls in the 1970s?
Who is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys?
Who won the Super Bowl last season?
What team did Larry Bird play for?
What sport did Ted Williams play?
Jimmy Johnson
Ah yes, my Terry Bradshaw nudes, my most cherished possessions. 🤔
Weird But True..... Sunday morning before the Ram/Giants game, The Lovely Mrs.Hydrant got decked out in her in her Ram jersey, Ram shoes, Ram earrings, Ram necklace, and Ram hat! ....and then....she didn't watch the game. Instead, she spent the whole time in the sewing room with Hydrantettes Jenny and Nicole. Halloween! Why????? She told me that she couldn't watch the game because, "I feel so sorry for that Daniel Jones.....I can't look.". NFL-ESP.
Jimmy Johnson was the coach. Jerry Jones is the big guy.
Yes, those were my wife's answers, she thought Jimmy Johnson was the owner, so she got that one wrong. She answered 7 out of 10 correctly which was a bit of a shock to me because I thought she would only get 2 or 3 correct. She's very mysterious and smarter than I thought, but I can be very sneaky, and I still know how to steal money from her purse undetected. 🙄
DD, God help you if she ever catches you. Put extra money in once and awhile. If she counts, it'll drive her nuts.
I have to be VERY careful, she's made it clear that if she ever catches me, she'll break my thumbs.
I have taught my wife all about one Thomas Edward Patrick Brady. I figured all the other sports stuff was unimportant in comparison. she would have gotten number 4 correct. If she didnt get that one correct, I would be forced to leave her.
I couldnt live with a woman who doesn't know everything there is to know about Tommy
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I think my girl will fail miserably on this lol
prior to meeting my girlfriend, she didn't know jack pop tarts about golf. now it's just plain scary how much she knows. occasionally i'll receive a random text at work along the lines of, "did you know that Jordan picked up a half-stroke on the field by virtue of his putting in last week's tournament?"
it's like a frightening turn-on
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet