Sovereign Coin Club

A friend of mine and I are reaching out via a few different coin forums to determine whether or not there is an interest in starting a virtual Sovereign Coin Club. To my knowledge there presently is not a club that specializes in Sovereigns. The sovereign covers over a 500 year time span with the modern Sovereign covering over 200 years. Sovereigns are still being minted today and they were the most prominent coin in the world during the British Empire. It was minted at seven mints and in five countries. anyone that may be interested in joining/forming such a club, please contact me. As I said we will be reaching out to other forums to determine interest.
I intend to contact friends, dealers and auction houses in the UK, Canada and Australia to determine interest abroad - thus the need to be virtual.
There might be, I have a few sovereigns myself, I had the 1989 until I recently sold it. Just waiting for the 2022 release in the next few weeks.
I might be interested if you can supply more information
cheers deepblue
Right now it is just a concept to bring sovereign collectors from different parts of the world together to discuss history, varieties, research (new and old), collecting strategies, Collections, different mint characteristics and to provide a forum members a place to share their thoughts with others who specialize in the series. The club would act like any coin club, only it will be virtual since members would not be located in the same area.
I imagine, members could trade or sell/buy with/to other members if they wanted. Favorite dealers and/or auctions could be discussed for possible leads. New areas of research could be vetted.
What would you like the club to be?
BTW - nice collection. Do you happen to know Chris (CB collection)?
Just sovereigns or include half, double, 5 etc? I like them, have some, have a book about them, but not really more than a dilettante.
All of the above.
Sorry Exbrit I know of Chris through Eric from Drake but have not been in contact with him. Still very interested in anything to do with sovereigns and varieties.
Very cool! Will this club be for general interest or will it also publish material like a journal or reference?
Hopefully both.
Love to know more and very interested !!
I am waiting to hear from others - mostly those in other counties and will provide additional information once I hear from them.
A guy with one Ferrari joins a club
A guy with one sovereign can watch from the sidelines.
Good luck with this @Exbrit !
Sounds like a fun project.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
I say do it call up some major dealers get the word out at conventions.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
If you on fb, there are numerous Sovereign specific groups to join.
I am not on Facebook (choice). I did not know there were sovereign groups on it. I may ask someone that is on it to look. Thanks for the heads up.
Are any of these groups interested in research? I think they are probably buy/sell, show me - types of groups.
I'm not sure what you mean by research.....there are long term collectors and dealers that specialize in Sovereigns, so yeah, there is a huge knowledge base. Here are some of the groups that i am aware of:
Gold Sovereigns and Modern British Proof Collectors Coins
Numistacker's Gold, Silver and Sovereigns collecting
Also, on Youtube, search for the Royal Mint and Numistacker offerings.