The Giants win the pennant, the Giants win the pennant

Russ Hodges
70 yrs later. Way to go lads. A team nobody thought had a chance
Have a nice day
Russ Hodges
70 yrs later. Way to go lads. A team nobody thought had a chance
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Streeter: Great stuff -- thanks very much!
They cheated. It's well documented. The Houston Astros of the 1950's.
Epic moment!!!!
There was a person hiding in the scoreboard. He had a pair of binoculars. He was stealing the pitch signals from the Dodger catcher and relaying them to the Giants dugout. Late in their lives the people involved admitted it.
Those dirty no good scoundrels.
More plausible explanation. It takes a couple of seconds from sign by catcher to Branca's pitch. I never saw Thompson take his eyes off Branca. You're giving the scoundrels too much credit. More likely Branca was telegraphing his pitches. Thompson had already taken him deep.
70 years to the day in the regular season. Gigantes 1
Doyers 2
Possible and very probable... Maybe Branca got a sign for a pitch where he had to adjust his fingers on the seams differently. Like maybe a second delay. Thompson sees the delay or no delay and knows what's coming. Branca had two pitches. Slow and slower.
Relaying it via cellphone? I’d love to get a link on this story because I never remotely heard anything about this.
Not calling you a liar by any stretch btw I just never heard any such thing
'Stealing' is such a harsh word.
1 everyone was doing something then and now.
The Giants won. Suck it Dodgers.
Read WILLIE MAYS, The Say Kid.
He had a little bottle of 'green juice' in his locker.
Do you think it was apple juice? Lol.
Hey used to catch signs from Lanier at second base and reposition the outfield by motioning his glove. Almost everyone thought he was a genius. Nope. He ended up with the catchers signs. Is that cheating?????. If it's not then Rose probably should be in the HOF for betting on his own team.
You are wrong. The guilty people involved ADMITTED what happened. Opinions mean NOTHING. FACTS are FACTS.
Streeter,....there is no way on Earth that YOU can say with any certainty that YOU either DID or DID NOT see what Bobby Thompsons eyes were looking at. RIDICULOUS.
And 70 years ago? As they say:
New York Post article July 29, 2002 titled, " '51 Giants Come Clean- Admit To Sign Stealing Scheme." Before anyone offers their opinions around here, do some research. By 2002 those Giants still living , that were involved, were very old men and wanted to get the TRUTH off their chests before they died. Good for them. They did the right thing. Interesting how the "Grim Reaper" can focus the mind and cause one to REPENT.
From my personal experience in high school, there is so little time between the pitcher getting the sign and starting his delivery. I just believe there is no time to steal the sign, get the pitch to the batter, batter adjusts and bingo. 70yrs ago! Nope.
Maybe these days.
Furthermore, the Giants would have won every game if they were so good. You mean the Giants were the only team that figured it out?
Those ole farts were having fun with the reporter.
Thompson was just sitting on the pitch and was watching the catchers glove.
If the defense figures out the opposing teams base coach signs and quickly adjusts the defense,IS THAT CHEATING?
If you read lips in the opposing dugout, IS THAT CHEATING?
In football, if I know the OL foot stance will telegraph pass or run, IS THAT CHEATING?
At Cal, Wesley Walker was blind in one eye so his passes 95% of the time came from the same side. Almost no one knew, even in ten NFL seasons. But if you studied film and had a brain you could figure out something was up. If an opponent figured it out and remained silent, IS THAT CHEATING?
I have experience playing catch in the backyard.
Sounds like you know.
Are you still getting in fights in the stands as a spectator?
But when you quote me I require the entire context please.
For those people unfamiliar with the Dodgers and Giants rivalry... It goes deep. Right here. Lol.
I doubt I'll change Hydrant's mind.
Looks like facebook and YouTube don't consider stealing baseball signs much ado about nothing.
Not lately.