Has there been a period with no condition census coins available?

Right now some blogs and dealers state there is a lack of supply of coins. That being said it seems that over the last couple years we have had a steady sale of some amazing coins and amazing collections (albeit most in auction, not by dealers)
My question is focused only on condition census coins---coins that fall within the top 5 for that particular date and grade (if you have no interest in condition census coins sorry to waste your time and feel free to move on). Has there ever been a period of time where there were simply no (or almost no) condition census coins for sale? And if so, what period of time and how long? My thought is that If there were truely no condition census coins for sale that part of the market could see 1)prices skyrocket if the coins did become available or 2) lose its collector base since no one wants to collect if no coins are available. Has this ever happened? Thanks
No is a pretty strong term. Maybe is it that far fewer are available today? I just bought what I believe is a condition census coin. It’s a bit pedestrian but still very nice.
Very nice coin. Philly quarter eagles from the 1840s are always underrated and hard to find in condition census.
I dont mean "no coins" literally but just such a dearth it makes collecting problematic. Thanks
I try to buy condition census coins and it certainly feels like it is hard today than it has been in the past years generally speaking. When they appear and they are nice, they get gobbled up quickly.