Please Help: Claudius II

I acquired this piece many, many years ago.
Part of a collection & I have no recollection which one, since, at the time, it did not do anything for me.
However, now, I am trying to clean up some stuff.
The notation that was included in the 2X2 envelope reads something like:
"CLAUDIUS II" then: "268-270" and some thing below, which I cannot decipher.
Any info would be appreciated including: condition and value.
BHNC #203
BHNC #203
I presume the value of $250 on the piece of paper is wishful thinking, but, who knows.
BHNC #203
Could be $2.50, he's a very common emperor & in that condition, $10 or a sucker at $15.
Big difference
Thanks, I guess.
I just lost $247.50
Oh well.

BHNC #203
$5 might be pushing it for that specimen. A low end coin even for that period.