Gift for Dad

in Stamps Forum
I’m not a stamp collector, but my Father was is his younger days. I got the idea to make this a few years ago, and eventually I won the stamps at auction. I just recently got it back from the framers where I had it matted and framed with some museum glass ( to counteract the harsh Florida Sunlight). I think it came out great and I’m excited to give it to him.
I hope the museum glass works. Paper items do very poorly in sunlight so make sure it isn't hung where direct sunlight can hit it or where it will be exposed to indoor lights for long periods of time.
Thanks for the advice. Nothing lasts too long in that intense sunlight! Anyway, I was hoping this thread drew a little more discussion, but I get it.
The stamp forum is a very quiet place.
This is a lot of discussion for the stamp forum.
Nice presentation, by the way.
The block in the middle isn’t perforated. Is that normal, or an error, or anything special?
This is really pretty
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