Cowboys fans fight eachother

in Sports Talk
First Browns fans were fighting eachother and now a video has surfaced of Cowboys fans fighting eachother this past Sunday:
Welcome to the new normal.
Taking the fight into the water is a new one, haven't seen that before.
Of course, incidents like this can be avoided in the future if Jerry and dem boyz continue to....
That’s the definition of a ****Show
@doubledragon I like that you are getting some mileage out of this Jerry Jones joke. Here in Cowboys country, the sports talk radio shows will use it as a drop often to this day. I remember when he actually said this. It was 2012, at a training camp press conference. He was referring to guys like Romo and and Witten who were in the midst of great careers but hadn't aattained the real goal - which is of course a SB ring. This was the only clip I could find that goes beyond his initial comment. After the team 's PR director explains that this is a term that was used in the oil and gas industry, Jones says something like "that's news to me". And that is what really made it so much funnier. Jerry Jones is really a good listen. You have have to get through the double talk, etc and stay a while, but eventually you get to some great nuggets of both comedy and wisdom.
@thisistheshow I feel at some point we could see @doubledragon replacing his Urban Meyer avatar with a Jerry Jones one! 😂😂😂