Tom Brady hints at playing until he's 50

Did anyone else see this story, Tom Brady said he thinks he will play until he's 50 years old.
Tom Brady Says He Thinks He Will Play Until He’s 50 Years Old
Tom Brady’s birthday is less than 12 months away and thought some thought it was improbably for the GOAT to play until he was 45 like he said five years ago, he’s apparently shooting for 50.
The league continues to wait for the decline of the Bucs QB, who is coming off his 10th Super Bowl appearance and 7th Super Bowl victory.
Though he’s arguably accomplished more than anyone in the history of the league, he’s not ready to hang them up just yet.
“Wow, seems to be a really hot question lately,” Brady said in a response to teammate Rob Gronkowski’s question in the return ofTommy & Gronky. “Can Tom Brady play ’til 50? Like, 50 years old? Fifty. I don’t find it so difficult. Plus, in Florida, it’s kind of a retiree state, so I feel like I can play and then just glide into retirement. I think I can. I think it’s a yes.”
If Brady believes it, everyone else will have no choice but to follow suit. Most everyone thought 45 was unattainable, yet he seems to be aging in reverse. Brady is a reigning champion (again) at 44 and just threw for 379 yards and four touchdowns in a Thursday night win. Oh, and he led yet another comeback in the final minutes.
Forty-four looks just fine. Shoot for the stars, Tom. You’ve already secured the gold jacket and G.O.A.T. status.
He's just being modest, he'll play until he's 60.
Here's the video:
Shades of George Blanda!
And people will still say he is not the GOAT 🐐
By the time he’s done in the NFL he might be the only player in the history of the four major sports to have a HOF-worthy career in each of his 20’s, 30’s & 40’s.
I think we need another TB12 thread discussing this.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
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Hey, if he is able to perform at age 50 then good luck to him. I don't think he is working because he needs the money,
Whoever wrote that story is obviously a genius.
"Tom Brady's birthday is less than 12 months away".
One line into the story and I was completely blown away. Scoop of the century.
No February 29'ers need respond.
Very true,and very funny,
now I am really in a panic. why would he retire so young?????? I was hoping for another 10-15 years at least
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I hope there is enough money left in the world to pay him as between he and his wife their combined salaries are mind blowing.