Gold and Silver Tester Feedback

I am the inventor from Ireland of a new gold and silver tester, There are 3 prototype models featured in the below short video. They can test gold and silver, and other precious metals, they are specifically designed for coins and bars. They can test through the packaging. The website is under construction and will be up at the end of October.
Before I launch, I am very keen to get feedback from gold and silver collectors, to try to make them perfect. I want to make them affordable and as aesthetically pleasing as gold and silver are. They are all under PCT patent pending. Any comments, feedback are very welcome.
Thank You Kindly
Interesting concept. I presume it would work for silver and pretty much all precious metals. Does it require lubrication? Can dirt and dust affect the mechanism? The board looks simple as it tests for proper diameter and thickness I would guess. Those have been around a long while but generally specific to each country (US coins and British coins separately), so to have on one board is good. Looks easily transportable as well. Battery type and replacement info?
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your interest, yes it works for all gold and silver coins, all non-ferrous metals in fact. We will seal of the bearings so that the dust cannot get in, we will also use the calibration function "tare" to adjust for any wear in the bearings over time. Although the strain on the bearings is minimal. The Board is made from anodized aluminium, and we designed it to cover the maximum amount of coins while still being compact and transportable. The coins it covers are the vast majority of the coins in circulation. The devices will contain batteries and will be plug in to recharge for mobility.
Thanks for your questions
I watched your video and think you have created a great physics project, but truly don't see any rush to buy these items.
There is already on the market the Sigma Metalytics counterfeit detector that comes in several iterations, works nearly instantaneously, is highly portable, has industry acceptance and has few (if any) outward facing moving parts. If I had a shop or if I needed a portable, easy and quick to use unit then I would avoid yours and purchase what is already on the market and what has proven it can work well.
Regardless, you may want to look up how much value you assign to the counterfeit AGE at the beginning of your video. I doubt a 4% Au counterfeit that weighs one ounce is "worth" $400, perhaps you meant more along the lines of $40.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Unfortunately I have to agree with TomB. The Sigma Metalytics tester is very fast (results in a second), has no moving parts and is small, light and very portable.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I think maybe for a coins dealer perhaps the Sigma is the best option. My goal with these testers is to create testers that the average customer can afford, but that are still highly effective in spotting fake coins.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
you can also post your question here:
Link to the fake coins featured in this video
Some Clarifications, i have been asked t make:
A test of weight and dimension will establish the density of the coin, the measurement board will give the volume or dimension of a coin. And weighing a coin can be done with a sensitive scale of .001 gram sensitivity which are readily available on Amazon for about $25.
As gold is the seventh densest metal, this is a good start. Bad fakes have the wrong density. In order to counterfeit pure gold and still have the same density, the fake needs to be a mixture of a heavier and a lighter substance. Most of the metals that are more dense than gold can be ruled out such as plutonium and uranium, osmium, iridium. platinum is possible but is expensive. By a process of elimination we are left with tungsten, which is the same ( or very close) density as gold.
The device is to validate coins and bars. The fake coin featured in the video is a thickly gold plated piece of tungsten. I have talked to many people and gold experts and placed the real coin and the fake coin in their hands, and they cannot tell them apart, they have the same density and they look and feel the same.
To the swinging pendulum. The idea is that when testing the coin you log on to the website, which is still under development (. Oct 30th Launch). And Search for your coin. Say your coin is a 1989 Krugerrand, the number of readings you should expect from the genuine article will be listed there. If you do not get that reading you will know it’s a counterfeit. In this case a genuine American eagle 2008 will give you a reading of 60, so if you to test it and get a reading of 36, you would know it is fake coin.
The pendulum works by testing the conductivity of the coin. Every coin has a distinct conductivity which relates to the composition of metals it contains. Any change in those metals will give a different conductivity measurement. A measurement of density and conductivity is enough to establish that any coin of any non - ferrous (not containing iron) metal is real. Any coin containing a ferrous metal is also fake and will stick to the base of the pendulum so is very simple to detect.
In a little bit more detail ( and technicality), the pendulum motion is damped by the electromotive force given by the proximity of the conductive coin. “Faraday law of induction”
The pendulum can test through slabs or any non conductive packaging. I believe after extensive research, that I found the best counterfeit on the market to demonstrate with, it is a tungsten core plated with over $100 of gold. Mixed with zinc,copper, tin to look exactly like the real thing. Any counterfeit that costs less than $200 will be relatively easy to detect. As the density will not be right, and the look and feel will not be right, it will costs at least this much to make a good replica, that can fool testing instruments.
Your feedback is very helpful, I’ m going to take this on board and think out how I can get this across to the viewer more clearly.
I will also include a demonstration of the measurement board.
Answers to Your Questions directly:
1. It is designed to test bars and coins.
2. It is not designed to test jewelry, this is because the dimensions of the sample are important for the comparison. Technically you could compare one piece of jewelry to another if they were placed in exactly the same way under the pendulum.
3. Each gold or silver coin or other PM will have a different read corresponding to its exact composition and dimensions. This will be read from the online database.
4. Yes, the number of swings does equate to the purity of the coin, furthermore it relates to the exact composition of the coin, ie how much silver, and copper are in the coin aswell.
5. The counterfeit gold will also register different oscillations counts. We will have a database of counterfeits that can tell you the origin of your counterfeit, assuming we have encountered it before. 6. Silver is more conductive than gold, so typically the oscillation count will be smaller than gold for a silver coin.
7. Yes there will be a different count for different purities of silver. In general each authentic coin on the market, silver and gold will have its own count. The 1 Ounce pure coins will give readings that are close, they will only differ because of the dimensions of the coin. I am going to add a link to a repeatability test video below.
8. Tests are repeatable, see below video.
Please feel free to bombard me with questions, this is exactly what I’m looking for.
Thanks again Rory
@EON .... Welcome aboard. Interesting venture. I will follow to see how things work out. Also post this in the Precious Metals forum. Cheers, RickO
Can I repost to the precious metals forum without starting the post again?
@EON .... Yes, Just copy and repost... Cheers, RickO