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Funny YN story from yesterday

I have a 10 yo boy who started collecting 2 years ago. I began when I was about the same age. He began with a couple Whitman folders and going through my pocket change. I like to buy old rolls and he would go through them when I was done to fill more spots in his books.

Yesterday I was at my favorite LCS and was selling some rolls of silver dimes and quarters to buy some new stuff in the store. I got everything I wanted and had a few dollars left in exchange. Kid has a US Type album that I got him for his Birthday, we were able to mostly fill it with extras from my collection. One of his open slots was a barber quarter so I picked up a VF 1899 quarter for his type set.

Every time I use cash, I give him my pocket change to see if he needs any for his folders, I mixed the barber quarter into a handful of pocket change and handed it to him. He started going through it putting some coins aside, got to the 1899 quarter, and said 1899, I need that, and continued on looking through mostly modern pennies and nickles. The fact that there was a 122 year old silver quarter didn't even phase him no surprise or emotion at all, no difference in his reaction to the quarter than a 2021 penny. He pulled out the type album and put the quarter in there. Eventually I told him that I didn't actually get it in my pocket change and not too expect to see that in his change. Thought it was funny and wanted to share.


  • PeakRaritiesPeakRarities Posts: 4,079 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It’s great to hear stories like that. I was always infatuated with currency at that age. My grandfather on both sides of the family collected coins and got me into it as a young age. Those memories will stay with him the rest of his life!

    Founder- Peak Rarities

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