High School Football Coach and player who quit team

He began: "I just had a young man come in and quit—and I truly could not be happier. This young man was struggling all season with making it to practice, with committing. Never looked happy. [He has] some stuff going on.
"He came in, things washed, shook my hand and I said 'sit down for a minute.' He started to explain how his family has always been a football family. 'They've always loved it, my father, my brother.' I stopped him and asked him, 'Do you love it?'"
The player then looked at Hines and breathed a huge sigh of relief, before admitting: "No."
Hines told the teenager he was proud of him, adding: "I saw his whole countenance change. He was smiling from ear to ear. I said, 'You're doing the right thing.'
"Football is not for everyone. I couldn't be happier. Coaches, support your players if they want to be great. And if they want to be great in something other than football, support them just the same."
the player quitting aside, it seems like this Coach has found something in life that he's good at, that he cares about. I suppose that's the lesson he may have helped his player start to learn: find your place in the World and you'll finally be happy. I had some good Teachers and Coaches in school and still remember them today, 50 years removed.
Great story, brings back memories of my younger days, I was also lucky enough to have great people in my life, of course that has since changed and I'm now married to a woman that beats me mercilessly if I forget to flush the toilet.
I get beaten if I forget to use the toilet.
I don’t like to promote quitting but for this type of situation I’m 100% all for it. There is no reason any kid should feel they have to play any sport if it’s not his/her thing.
My son tore his ACL in high school playing football. He started on the varsity as a freshman. He was very good. He was patient zero at The Hospital for Special Surgeries in NYC for a new technique taking material from his hamstring and drilling through his growth plate and re attaching it. HSS is the #1 ranked hospital in the US for orthopedics in the US. When it was over he asked if he could quit football. I said of course. That's when I learned he didn't love football and played only to please me ever since he was six. I had no clue. I felt horrible for a long time
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
When I was a high school teacher (and coach), I had one of my math students come in after class one day to talk to me. She was pretty upset because she was wanting to quit track and play softball. I basically told her to do what would make her happy, including quitting. Couple days later had the track coach in my classroom mad at me because she'd quit track. Told the coach to get bent. The girl was much happier after that, I know that much.
same boat. this is an extracurricular activity. which has never brought the kid joy. this is not quitting, this is stopping, imo. now he’s free to go find something he does love and give it his all. square pegs dont fit into circular holes.
If he felt that way at the beginning of the season he should not have started. I've told my kids that if they commit to something they should see it through.