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Kingdom of Macedon - Alexander III the Great Gold Distater Lifetime NGC Ch XF

Looking to trade for Bitcoin - Tremendous Double Stater of Alexander the Great
MACEDON. Kingdom of Macedon. Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 B.C. AV Distater (17.16 gms), Aegeae Mint, ca. 336-323 B.C.


Pr-191; Muller-5. RARE. Lifetime issue.
Obverse: Head of Athena facing right wearing triple crested Corinthian helmet, serpent on helm; Reverse: Nike standing left holding stylis and extending wreath, thunderbolt in left field, monogram under left wing.
Exceptionally well centered with bold strike details and lovely surfaces.

The Alexander Distaters were the heaviest gold coins produced by the Greeks up to that time.


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