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Browns' Ronnie Harrison becomes first ejection of the NFL season after shoving Chiefs (assistant) coach
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They always call it on the second guy. Reviewing different articles/video, it looks like the Chiefs coach put his hands on him first. Still, it was dumb. They always get the retaliator, not the instigator, no matter the levels of egregiousness.
Tooo bad - the Browns could have used him in the second half as Mahomes heated up.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
That play was huge. Coach shoulda been ejected also. Coaches can’t get in piles and push players.
I didn't see it live. I only found one video online from the game coverage, and at least in that clip it was apparent that they were glossing over what you are referring to. I'd be interested in any follow up video and/or info.
I didn't see it live.
I saw it live, here's what I remember happening:
two Browns tackled the receiver with Harrison ending up standing over top of him. the entire play was in the white stripe which is an area Coaches/Players are supposed to stay behind. as it was ending and the Officials were coming to the play, several Chiefs Coaches/Team Personnel came to help the receiver and Harrison made a move to get back to the field. it looked like he stumbled and lost his balance momentarily which caused him to put his right foot down; it just so happened that he was over the receiver and his foot came down on the player.
to me, it didn't look intentional because there were so many Chiefs right there already trying to help the guy up. that's when someone who looked like a Coach reached across the receiver and shoved Harrison. he reacted and pushed him back.
bad Harrison, I guess according to the rules the ejection was automatic although there needs to be deference. the Coach clearly pushed him first and the bench shouldn't have been right there a yard from the field at plays end. I'm sure the NFL will review it and the Chiefs/Coach will be fined, but the damage has been done.
BTW, if you watch the video clip in the OP link it shows nothing which prompted the retaliation.
here's the other thing, the initial ruling was "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" against the Chiefs bench. OK, that happened and they saw it. then they ruled that Harrison "punched" someone and New York changed it. that means that they watched it on film and totally disregarded the initial push, even as Tony Romo states that the Coach shouldn't be doing that.
the whole thing was handled poorly and one Team suffered, the other not. the NFL needs to figure out how to make these calls equitable and stop penalizing only one Team when both are guilty.
Lafayette Grading Set
New York is over rated maybe we can do without New York
What a mess.