your input is welcome

this is bothering me so much that i'm utilizing my lunch hour to type this.
i think i've been around these parts long enough for people to know that i'm not a negative dude by nature. moreover, i've never considered myself to be "that guy." with that said, i did not go to sleep last night thinking that was a great game by the Bucs & Cowboys. well, let me qualify that. the fact that it was a close game was something i did enjoy. money was flowing like a river into Tampa Bay (did you like that?) and very few people were picking Dallas. as a result, the line moved pretty hard and the vast majority expected a lopsided game. that didn't happen and for that i'm thankful.
but now for the part i simply cannot stomach.
i don't like this NFL. i understand why this is happening, but i just can't get on board with it. it's no secret that this is an extreme passing league by design and has been for years. there's a cornucopia of reasons why the suits want 31-29 games, and it's all linked monetarily. gambling, fantasy, ratings, so on and so forth. but after watching one game of the 2021 season i just don't know how much more of this i can take. let's get real here -- the only reason that game was 31-29 and not 51-49 is because of turnovers and Greg Zuerlein looking like he was out there kicking with a broken leg.
listen, i've been a Bears fan my entire life because of Walter Payton, not because of guys like Mike Phipps, Vince Evans and Bob Avellini. the late 70s through 85 (when Chicago won the Super Bowl) are my absolute fondest memories as a fan. rushing and defense were integral. let me say that again: rushing and defense were integral. last night, Dak and Tom combined to throw the football 108(!) times for 782(!) yards. meanwhile, lead backs Zeke and Fournette combined for a grand total of 65(!) rushing yards.
i ask this question sincerely -- is that a fun watch for you? if so, i'm glad it is and i get it. really, i do. but it's not for me. i've tried very, very hard the past few years, but if i'm being completely honest with myself then i just can't approve of the direction the league is taking. the defenses looked borderline helpless out there last night. at no time did i think either one of those units stood a chance at stopping the opposing offense unless they were fortunate enough to generate a turnover, and especially so when it came to 4-down territory.
every time i watch an NFL game nowadays i truly feel for 11 of the players out there -- regardless of which team it is -- because everyone and their dog knows that it is not a level playing field rules-wise, hence they are behind the 8-ball before the game even commences. can you imagine not being able to go full bore because you have to take into consideration where, how and when you deliver a hit while moving at warp speed? and you wonder why offenses blow up and down the field at alarming rates.
bottom line: the NFL has turned into a gross watch for me personally. there, i said it. tar and feather me if you must. but now i must return to work sans a modicum of nourishment in my belly. 😆
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Vikings fan. Hate the damn Bears, they _always _beat us.
Walter Payton is my Favorite running back EVER!
Don't know if he's the GOAT, don't care.
He was ****THE MAN!****
I agree there's too much passing in the game today, probably has to do with getting in more commercials than anything else.
No one cares about the fans anymore it seems.
edited to add; Dalvin Cook, he's fun to watch. Always seems to make the first defender miss! He's no "Sweetness" though.
P.S. I like it when you talk dirty! ;-)
Honest opinion and a sincere answer for me is I 100% agree with everything you said. I do still enjoy it for what it is and that’s a “Made for TV” show. My buddy was saying that all last night. I used to love fantasy football but quit because the game is too much like a video game now, you got players putting up yards like it’s PS4 Madden. I prefer the game to slow down and go back to the 90’s style of play
galaxy, I respect your opinion but I'd say last night was just one game, one outcome. Had you gone back to TB's previous game that actually counted for something they went up against the #1 offense that averaged 39ppg in the SB and literally beat them with their run game and defense. Held KC to just three FGs along with 2 INTs & 3 sacks while Bucs ran for 145yds. Sure Brady threw for 3 TDS but his statline looked like something we'd have seem from Phil Simms or Joe Montana 30+ years ago...21/29 201yds 3td. Go back to 2019 and NE won a SB led by their run game & defense then too.
I agree that the game and rules have definitely evolved over the years to favor the offense and particularly QBs & passing the ball but when QBs are getting paid northward of 25-35M a year these days I think owners had to protect their investments by changing the rules to favor offenses. Compare that to NFL teams back in 1985 paying just 3.6M for the entire team and you can see why it led to this. It is what it is at this point.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
I’ve been around before the league’s joined. I watched the 3 yards and a cloud of dust. I watched the beginning of the sophisticated of motion, the passing games. I watched the highlight reels on ESPN when the did segments of guys getting knocked out. I watched the evolution of not killing the QB, Brady’s knee hit. I listened to the moans about putting them in a dress. This game has evolved. I don’t want to watch a 3rd string QB and back up receivers because some 300 lb no body was allowed to rip their head off or body slam the stars. Yes I like the evolution. It’s fun again, it’s exciting and it’s what new fans want. This version of sports has replaced baseball as America’s game. I hope it continues to evolve and be the reason I count the day to September from the day after the super Bowl.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I still enjoy the NFL, but personally I like the old NFL better. I feel sorry for the defensive players that have to be extra sensitive to the offensive players.
Galaxy I agree with your post. To be short and brief it's all about the $. Keeping the younger generation interested with high scoring games where defense is placed behind the proverbial 8 ball via offense friendly rules. It's gotten like the NBA with all scoring and defense is an afterthought and this is a shame.
appreciate the points of view fellas. I'm willing to keep an open mind, at least for a few weeks. but if the Bears hang 40 on the Rams I'm completely washing my hands of the league
and Joe B, I am thoroughly embarrassed bro. really, really sorry. I promise that sext was meant for dimeman
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I don’t think you have to worry about the Bears scoring 40 this week.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
very much a joke. as are most of my comments about the Bears. i figure if I keep talking about my team the way Lou Holtz used to talk about his, perhaps in a bizarro-world sort of way it will propel them to exceed my expectations.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I can agree with some of the rules instated to protect players. I also agree with the above statement that my interest is lower when the starting QB loses a season because a no name rolled up on a leg or shoulder. I also am sensitive to the 100s of former players, the players of my youth and before, who cannot enjoy their senior years because they were so severely injured playing a game for my entertainment.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That hurts my feelings.
i feel very confident that you'll be fine
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I don't> @galaxy27 said:
You're right Galaxy. So very, very right.
more points, more scores, more turnovers, more everything equates to a more abundant amount of bets people can lose on. its like the nba all star game where no defense is displayed at all. the number 1 bet is whether the total point spread will exceed 3 million points. take the over.
I suppose.
Pass interference calls, on the offense or the defense, are the worst part of the game.....AND.......holding calls are a joke. There are holding infractions on EVERY play.....some more obvious than others. Just depends on what the refs want to see.