Hibernia Woods Attribution Guide?

Arguably this is the wrong forum…
I know there are books out there but I swear I have also seen an online attribution guide for this series of coinage. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
I’m specifically concerned with this recent halfpenny acquisition:
Smitten with DBLCs.
As far as I know the only attribution guide is the book by Syd Martin. Nice Hibernia by the way, they are very interesting coins!
There is a limited guide here:
Sydney Martin's 1994 and 1996 articles in The Colonial Newsletter can be found at the NNP:
Nov. 1994 (farthing): https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/book/513961
Jan. 1996 (halfpence): https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/book/513964
Looks like your coin is Obverse 4 (spacing of legend)
and Reverse Gb or Gc (reverse legend, 11 harp strings; I'm not sure if the 3 is small or large)
Thanks for the links. I've come to the same conclusion.
Smitten with DBLCs.
I'll try to find time this weekend to spend some time with the book. There are SO many more varieties! there are over 100 varieties of obverse 4 alone!
OK, I got it. 4.101-Gc.36. Martin has it listed as an R5 variety.
Does your Martin book describe the curved die line through the hair on the obverse?
They just describe it as a die break from "E" in DEI across the head into field below "A" in the later die state. An early die state and a late die state are pictured, the late die state is later than the one posted here with more extensive cracking.
Awesome. R5! Thanks heaps!
Smitten with DBLCs.