Gonzaga Coach Mark Few Busted for DUI

in Sports Talk
Looks like it's a misdemeanor but definitely not good:
Still nursing that Baylor hang over. Hair of the dog
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It always surprises me when someone in the sports world gets a DUI, you never see it coming, former Cubs player Mark Grace has had like three or four DUI's.
It will be interesting to see how Gonzaga handles this situation.
Heck, I remember when John Daly got arrested in my city and spent a night in our county jail for being passed out drunk, at Hooters!
Charles Barkley got a DUI in 2008.
Scottie Pippen got a DUI in 1999.
Tony LaRussa has had two DUI's, one in 2007, and one last year.
Former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon got a DUI in 2003.
Jason Kidd got a DWI in 2012.
Jalen Rose got a DUI in 2011 and spent 20 days in jail.
Mike Tyson got a DUI in 2006.
Donovan McNabb has had two DUI's.
Michael Phelps got a DUI in 2012.
Of course, we all know about Tiger Woods DUI.
Johnny Damin just got a DUI this past February.
Carmelo Anthony got a DUI in 2008.
Hines Ward got a DUI in 2011.
Marshawn Lynch got a DUI in 2012.
I'm going to stop now, I just realized I'm hijacking the thread, my apologies @Tabe, once I get going it's hard to stop.
Everyone has made mistakes.
It's a good idea to be sober while driving.
Edited when I realized I had typed mad instead of made
I'm disappointed that your computer couldn't find one female DUI pic.
Probably most of the above who got arrested for the alleged DUI, don't have a DUI on their record. They are usually dropped to a lesser charge. Sometimes its only a few months driving suspension and a fine.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
In 2016, women's US Soccer player Abby Wambach, DUI.
It can happen to anyone no matter who you are, I shamefully admit I drank and drove for 35 years, honestly I grew up with everyone doing it back in the 80’s and 90’s then it became second nature. Thank god I never hurt anyone. My wake up call came in 2019 when my girlfriend got one. It was the biggest pain ever. I got the Uber app on my phone. No more than 2 beers with dinner or 1 without dinner for me.
I have told this on here before but I have a friend who was an Oakland PD officer. This is about 20 years ago maybe. They pulled Kidd over, he was drunk, and as the story goes... the cops gave him a ride home. They did search his car (I think it was a Range Rover if I recall) for guns but no guns so they let him go without anything except a ride home. Lol. I doubt that would happen today... or at least very unlikely.
Wow, I've never heard that story before, I also doubt that would happen today, they would have given him a ride, but not home.