Greysheet question

With the 3rd party grading services giving in between grades (G6, VG10, F15, VF25,VF30,VF35..etc) and those TPG having their own price guides which include values for the in between grades. Why doesn’t the Greysheet with its outrageous cost to subscribe include the in between grades with values? It doesn’t make sense to me at all.
Members I have done business with:
Silverman68, jfoot13, GAB, ricman, Smittys, scrapman1077, RyGuy, Connecticoin, Meltdown, VikingDude, Peaceman, Patches and more.
Silverman68, jfoot13, GAB, ricman, Smittys, scrapman1077, RyGuy, Connecticoin, Meltdown, VikingDude, Peaceman, Patches and more.
They do include all the in between grades and CAC in each grade online. Also they have “bid” and “retail”
My Ebay Store
Thank you. I did not realize they had them online. I alway look at the book.
Silverman68, jfoot13, GAB, ricman, Smittys, scrapman1077, RyGuy, Connecticoin, Meltdown, VikingDude, Peaceman, Patches and more.
Greysheet is a great value for all it gives you.
Totally agree.
Buying and Selling coins for 54 years, 700+ shows in last 20 years, and boy am I tired.
Purchased and Trademarked the Mohawk Valley Hoard
Originated the Rochester (NY) Area Coin Expo