Isn't it ridiculous how the MLB players are tired of being accused of taking steroids?

If they are sick and tired of teh accusations, they should just take a test proving that they dont take any steroids... that is if they dont have anything to hide...
Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
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To Josher416:: May he rest in peace.
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
Just saying they should test is easy to say. But what about the players privacy? What about those players that test positive. Are they all going to be exposed?? What about those players that take inhalents for breathing problems. Many of those products will cause a player to test positive for steroids.
What's to stop MLB from testing for other things as well. Once they get the blood/urine how will the players know that they are only testing for steroids?? MLB could take the blood/urine and test for drugs, STD's, etc... That is none of MLB's business and none of our business. The players would have no knowledge of what the MLB will really be doing with the blood/urine sample.
If the MLB collapses it will not help the other sports. If the MLB collapses I like many will lose faith in professional sports as a whole.
Put some thought into a post, it might tell everyone else something.
Not all MLB players use steriods. I'd bet my house on it that Arod, Nomar Garciaparra, Jeter and Vladimir,
to name a few don't use them.
However, after seeing him hit five(5) 500+ foot shots tonight and seeing him with Whie Sox, there is no doubt in my mind that Sammy Sosa uses them.
From the Robert A gallery
"The testing players for steroids is way deeper then you all think.
Just saying they should test is easy to say. But what about the players privacy? What about those players that test positive. Are they all going to be exposed?? What about those players that take inhalents for breathing problems. Many of those products will cause a player to test positive for steroids.
What's to stop MLB from testing for other things as well. Once they get the blood/urine how will the players know that they are only testing for steroids?? MLB could take the blood/urine and test for drugs, STD's, etc... That is none of MLB's business and none of our business. The players would have no knowledge of what the MLB will really be doing with the blood/urine sample.
If the MLB collapses it will not help the other sports. If the MLB collapses I like many will lose faith in professional sports as a whole.
Put some thought into a post, it might tell everyone else something."
First lets examine the statement "What about those players that take inhalents for breathing problems. Many of those products will cause a player to test positive for steroids."
Now if you knew anything about the way they test they could easily test and see if it was a prescribed pill. They could tell if you were taking a performance enhancer, an allergy pill, or a viagra.
Now for this statement"What's to stop MLB from testing for other things as well. Once they get the blood/urine how will the players know that they are only testing for steroids?? MLB could take the blood/urine and test for drugs, STD's, etc... "
If someone donates blood for checking to see if they are taking steriods and they were to do anything else then they would be breaking the law. I doubt if the MLB would care if a player had a std. That is just going off on a limb with the possiblities of a what if. Why don't you take it farther and say what if they use the blood to make a clone???
Now your final statement
"If the MLB collapses it will not help the other sports. If the MLB collapses I like many will lose faith in professional sports as a whole. "
If the MLB would collapse the NBA fans and the NFL fans would all know why. It wouldn't be hard to figure it out. They would then avoid it. They would have less competion for all the advertisers. It would do nothing but build up the other sports.
Drugs need to be tested because of all the things that it can do.
Think of all the past records that were broke by someone on steriods. I doubt that players like Ruth, Aaron, Cobb took roids to play a GAME.
Drugs lead to a greater number of injuries. Now you are probably thinking that has nothing to do to you but it does. It costs season ticket owners because they could have seen a good non-druggie player with all the money they spent on the druggie when the druggie spent half the time on the bench because of his drug addiction.
Drugs keep the better baseball players our of the game.
Think of all the people who probably couldn't play longer because they didn't use drugs. This isn't fair to them because a owner would pick an athlete who takes steriods over a person who didn't but had the same skill level.
Drugs need to be tested for. It is just another example of how MLB is behind in the race of being a true sport in modern society.
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
Kobe8kid your post reeks of "I'm not a baseball fan."
Not only that but you lack the maturity to constructively critize someone's opinions/thoughts.
To start your post with the pathetic line " What a Joke the majority of this is " shows your real age.
It is completely Un-original to dissect someone elses post with your own editorials, and it shows your truely do have nothing better to do then try to start a spineless internet arguement. You'd be better served trolling in a chat room where most people who enjoy spineless internet arguements hang out.
Try making some points from your own head not conteracting someone elses.
You may want to look up "originality" and "respect". Might help to build your character.
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
8Kobekid- Your response is barely worth the effort it takes to type this.
<< <i>However, after seeing him hit five(5) 500+ foot shots tonight and seeing him with Whie Sox, there is no doubt in my mind that Sammy Sosa uses them. >>
I really doubt that he uses them. Lol Now Giambi on the other hand...
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
I thought when you get into your late 30's you are suppose to get weaker. But he is bulking up. And I don't think it is from the weightroom.
<< Barry Bonds' nickname should be: Steroid Maaaaaa. I thought when you get into your late 30's you are suppose to get weaker. But he is bulking up. And I don't think it is from the weightroom.
When you get in your 30's your supposed to be weaker?? What are you smoking. If you have the same workout routine or intensify the workout routine you used in your 20's you will not be weaker in your 30's. The main thing that dissappears as you get older is your endurance and the strength of your joints. Bonds does appear to be bulking up (and it may be from roids), but if you look at his numbers he's had his best years in his 30's. Hence being in your 30's has no effect on your strenth.
At the age of 26 I'm the strongest I've ever been. By the time I'm 30-32 I will be much stronger continuing into my later 30's.
It's kind of the Piazza gayfer situation. You think he's actually going to come out and tell everyone he's gay and admit it?? I don't think so! Hell, I seen him the other night with some Playboy chicks...yeah, ALL OF A SUDDEN he's trying to be with all these women eh? lol...that's hilarious. He probably payed them to be with him...
But, you get my drift.
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
Giambi does NOT take steroids. he is just a good hitter. I can prove this because he has incredible eyesite. Babe Ruth had the same vision and babe ruth once explained how he could see the stitches of teh ball and where it was going before it hit the plate so he would know where to swing. Giambi also has teh same vision so thats why he can hit so good.
Bonds may take steroids. i dont know if he does or not but he also has incredible eyesight.
Yea the ball has been juiced since the early 90's. I think the majority of the game's players are legit. The 90's brought about a new era of Baseball players putting emphasis on getting stronger and that emphasis has grown to huge propertions in todays game. Today's ballplayer works out much much more then the 80's ball player. This emphasis combined with the juiced ball are causing all kinds of old batting records to be shattered.
Bonds and Sosa don't seem to have the injury track record to support them doing roids. Who knows though.
starts testing the players.It IS going to happen either thru negotiations or after the strike is over.They have to test the players like the other pro leagues do for the integrity of the game.
We sure hope its better than the NBAs' testing for "reefer"tho; a ton of the NBA players stay high!!LOL!!
Once testing starts in MLB just watch the stat sheets;you will see some players stats dropping like an avalanche down the side of a mountain.Depending on who those players end up being,will depend on what kind of black marks will be left on the game as a whole.Also,how about some of the players already retired who will forever have a cloud over the records they set or hold.
Baseball has survived scandels before in its history & if they can work thru this problem without going on strike they just might make it thru this one.But,if they strike it seems to us that this great game is in for a very bad ride! Just our 2 cents!
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This brings in the blatant lie that baseballs are the same as they used to be. When the strike hit in 1994, major league baseball said they would look into some changes to try to get the fans back. Is it just irony that the homerun totals have exploded since the 1995 season or did all of these players use that year to gain 15 pounds of muscle and suddenly become power hitters? I think not. MLB (a.k.a. Morons leading baseball) claim the balls are the same as they were last year or couple years. Well, duh. Of course they are the same as last year, and the year before that. But what about the balls used in say 1991? Conveniently, MLB reported that they can't find any of these baseballs to compare test results with. Can't find any baseballs? Do you know how many players, coaches, fans, umpires, executives, etc. have a game ball in their homes? I'm sure several of them would be willing to part with it for a couple of days so MLB could run some tests on it. Heck, I've got one from 1995 that I'd let them use. The skin on the new balls is rock hard, and the seams are almost non-existent making gripping the ball nearly impossible. The balls are slick and would surely be hard to control. I decided to do a little bounce test of my own with my 1995 ball and the 2001 ball. I found a nice hard, even surface and dropped the balls from shoulder height. Not surprising to me, the 2001 ball bounced higher all 5 times I dropped it. Not a great deal higher, but about an inch higher than the old ball. I won't do the math to figure out what the difference would be converted to about 350 feet, but it is plenty of difference for me. Peter Gammons reported that today's baseballs travel anywhere from 15 to 30 feet farther than those of earlier years, but said that's not much of a difference and there are a lot of other factors that are causing the homeruns. Umm, Peter I think 30 feet is quite a bit of distance. You only have to hit a ball 300 feet to homer in any stadium down the lines then. Here's a test for you. Count the number of homeruns you see land in the first 3-5 rows of the stands this week. That's how many fewer homeruns there would be if the only thing MLB did was change the baseball. MLB has admitted the baseballs are at the limit of the "lively scale" so just fix them and get them back to normal.
As for today's bigger, stronger players, I'm not convinced. There are obviously some players that are bigger than players in the past. That's obvious to see. However, another thing that is obvious is that players like Rich Aurilia are NOT bigger and stronger than past players. Aurilia (who is listed at right about 6'1, 180 pounds) hit 35+ homeruns last year. A little "Did you know" trivia here: Did you know that slugger Dwight Evans hit over 22 homers only 6 times in 18 full seasons in the majors? Also, another Boston player who played with the inviting Green Monster, Jim Rice, hit over 25 homers only 6 times in 14 full seasons. Now you tell me honestly that Rich Aurilia is bigger and stronger than Evans and Rice and we'll quit this argument right now. OK, we'll keep going then. Pitchers are flying balls out of the yard and even the all-powerful Doug Glanville hit 11 homeruns a few seasons back. Glanville (6'2, 170 soaking wet) is a clear example that you don't have to be a power hitter to hit homeruns. The way the game is played has changed, but not all of the players are bigger and stronger. That's simply not true. So don't try to come up with all these excuses for why homerun totals are up because we don't want to hear them. It was a nice idea to get people back in the seats, but you got your stupid homerun record from McGwire so just get some real baseballs that don't have dimples in them with "Titleist" stamped across them.
Just some 2 cents...
The juiced ball throws all the records made today into what should be knows as "Modern Records". Who's to say the hitters from the past couldn't have put up better numbers then today's players with the juiced ball and small "home run" ball parks of today.
The fact that within the last few years we have seen tons of old old records broken is a testament to how good the players of the past really were.
I'd have to say that if these players breaking the records are not using steroids then there is no reason to think the new records are not legit. If it was released that Mark McGwire was using steroids when he broke the HR record ten years from now, I would remember McGwire's season and achievements, not the fact he was taking steroids. For some reason, to me, the accomplishment would outshine the fact that the player was using steroids.
I was a huge Canseco fan like many were in the late 80's. Him admitting he used steroids belittles his 40/40 accomplishment in 88. Will baseball take away admitted steroid users records?? I doubt it. I think the legacy of the records broken by todays player will be better remembered then if that player used steroids.
Hall of Famers in the past were basically guaranteed to make the Hall of Fame with 500+ home runs. The player of today will need around 600+home runs to make Hall of Fame once they retire.
I'm at work, jumping around topics on this post. Sorry if it's confusing!