Coin Show by Coin Club of Greater New Bedford, 8/29/2021

This is a much smaller show than what is usually seen on the forums. 14 dealers, packed into a local Knights of Columbus facility.
The club running the show, based in New Bedford, MA, has been around since 1938 and has had their shows every month that has five Sundays, on that fifth Sunday. The next one will be on October 31.
Despite the small venue, the coins shown are competitive with those of the more regional shows. Available were plenty of pre-1933 gold, choice specimens of earlier and tougher dates across the spectrum of denominations, such as an 1884 Half Dollar in NGC 67+ a Matte Proof 1915 Lincoln. The dealers are quite friendly and easy to talk to. They also have a kids' corner, and for the years I've been attending, I've seen a noteworthy increase in the population of younger collectors.
I spent my time mostly catching up with old friends, some of which I haven't seen in a couple of years. I tend to do more talking with fellow collectors than actually looking at the coins.
I bought for myself a few pieces to add to the collection, photos below:
1829 Half Dime, a little beat up but couldn't beat the price, and it filled a hole.
1835, Small Date, Large 5 C. Another hole filler.
1837 Seated Half Dime, Small Date. Definitely a filler piece.
1861 Seated Half Dime, 1/0 variety. Highlight of my purchases on a small budget.
And a 1950 Proof Lincoln. I started re-collecting the proofs a couple of months ago, and it's a charming little series that doesn't cost much and is enjoyable to look at.
To show this coin, I'm going to attempt sharing an interactive web page, and if it works, you should be able to see the obverse and reverse side by side, plus a lightbulb in the upper left corner. Click on the lightbulb to "tilt" the coin to the light!
*Edit. I was hoping to share the page containing the Lincoln Cent Proof like how Youtube videos are shared in other posts. Unfortunately the robot behind the forum didn't respond well to the idea. Still, if you follow that link, you'll see the coin's image and can interact with the corner lightbulb to alternate lighting conditions on the surfaces.
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