Vicious fan fight at Steelers game

in Sports Talk
Here we go again, this happened Saturday at the Steelers vs Lions game at Heinz field. A woman got into an argument with a guy and slapped the guy's face and the woman's husband ended up getting knocked out.
That guy is a complete idiot. 100% idiot and needs his man card taken away. Allowing his wife to argue like that while he remains seated??? Allowing his wife to scream at him and obey her ordering him to stay seated?? Lol.
That's crazy, she even yells at her husband after he gets knocked out and recovers. We know who wears the pants in that family.
The reaction of the slapped and slappee is expected. The husband must be the Mayor of Wussville
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
they both needed to be knocked out. the man was, the woman was just stunned and didn't have the brains to stay down, probably alcohol involved.
the seated guy should have stood up and knocked out the woman, then shake the hand of the other guy and watch the game.
I can't believe that husband, his wife owns him, she owns him! Her personal lap dog, pathetic.
agreed about mr. wuss. its hard to tell but it does look like the slapped put his hands on the slapper before a slight tug of hands war and the eventual slap. slapped even threw a pretty vicious blow towards the woman. thank god that one didnt land like the two mr. wuss received. overall not sure how i feel about the one as a whole. theyre all wrong, but obviously theres usually one person that was way wrong in any particular situation. this one i dont know…a ton of different layers starting off w mr. wuss-face pop tart.
eta: slapped actually did show a lil bit of restraint there at the end, he coulda tag the guy another time or two but realized he was knocked out and push back instead. just cant tell what he did in the very beginning right before/as he said “dont touch me”.
Grow some pop tarts, be a man!
Kudos to the slapped guy for having the presence of mind to take off his glasses before throwing hands.
There is a lot going on in the video. Here is an interesting part. Right after the slap, the slappee raises his fist as if getting ready to hit the slapper. He doesn't, but the slapper nonetheless falls back in fear.
@keets I know you wrote that in jest, but I don't feel that would right.
I bet the husband is even soft when he carries groceries into the house!
I know you wrote that in jest, but I don't feel that would right.
yeah, but it's what that loud-mouthed woman deserved.
I'll say what many probably believe, over the past 50-60 years women have lost their place and as a consequence now do and say things that they shouldn't. the reason?? because as that has happened men have, for the most part, maintained their sense of chivalry towards women. in today's world women routinely do and say things that would carry consequences for ANY man, this is a good example. any man slapping someone like that, no matter what the reason, should be prepared for the beat-down that follows. women today know that. in this case, the slapped man draws back to move her away but never intended to punch her. he does hit her after she continues her aggression and she deserved it.
as Sam Kinison so rightfully said: "I don't advocate Domestic Violence but I understand what turns Mr. Hand into Mr. Fist."
Now the Pittsburgh Police are involved.
Pittsburgh police investigating fan fight at Steelers preseason game
The Steelers and Heinz Field management are also assisting the investigation.
Pittsburgh police are investigating after a viral video showed fans fighting in the stands at a Pittsburgh Steelers preseason game.
Video emerged on social media after Saturday night’s game showing an argument between a man and woman that escalated when the woman appeared to strike the man’s face. Other fans quickly got involved, and punches were thrown.
According to Mary Ann Thomas of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Pittsburgh police are investigating and have asked the public for assistance in identifying the fans involved. The Steelers and Heinz Field management are also assisting the investigation.
“This kind of conduct is inexcusable, and we will respond accordingly once more information is obtained,” Steelers spokesman Bert Lauten said.
This is the second notable fan fight at a preseason NFL game. A group of fans were caught brawling at a Chargers-Rams game earlier this month in an even bigger altercation.
I certainly hope it is not deemed a crime to defend oneself. that woman should do some jail time.
i do miss sam kinison and george carlin.
I showed this clip to my girlfriend, someone who could easily be in the running for the least violent person on planet earth
but she had a pretty good response after watching it
"I'm not gonna say that woman deserved to be hit, but she absolutely should have eaten one of those haymakers"
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
reminds me of a woman my uncle lived with for years. This was years ago , he was a nice guy who was a goofy drunk and she was a mean drunk who always stirred up stuff if they went out and left him to deal with the fallout.
One time she took her shoe off and used the very pointed high heel to hit some guy and pokeed a hole right through his cheek.
My uncle wound up in the ER , he was in the bathroom at the time and the injured guy broke a pool cue over his head.
She had no remorse over any of these incidents , its some twisted form of attention seeking behavior
So were they shooting pool when all of this started? Did the injured guy have his own cue with him or did he bring one from the bar or? I'm just curious..
a co-worker told me about his Uncle, a rough customer who regularly abused his wife when he was drunk. he came home one night and after the fight he passed out on the bed. she rolled him in the covers, went at him with his own shoes, broke an arm, some ribs and just generally beat the hell out of him.
he was a sweet man after that!!
The bar was a crappy dive bar with a few tables we used to shoot pool there 50 cents a game
the uncle was in the bathroom unaware of what was going on. As he walked out he was blasted with the cue never saw it coming , then a general melee broke out
Thank you, I completely misunderstood. I thought your uncle was using the bathroom at the ER when this guy got him with the pool cue.