PSA Crossover Submission
Posts: 342 ✭✭✭
Hey guys, I have 2 high grade cards that I’m considering attempting an eventual crossover for (SGC 10 as well as true gem BGS 9.5)
I have a few questions for the experts out there…
Does PSA still have their crossover service option open for customers?
What is the price per card if this service is still open?
Dare I ask, how long this service level is taking right now for anyone who might have recently submitted 😬
Finally, I am aware that the odds of crossing over aren’t always great, but I’m still wondering how many of you out there have been successful or unsuccessful in your attempts.
Thanks in advance for the responses!
-Collecting anything vintage
Try clicking the Submit button in the upper right of the PSA page. After selecting regular sized cards, I see Crossover is available. If you drill into that, you should find details about pricing, but it starts at $200 and increases based on card value. CTD doesn’t have crossover as a category, so I think it would just fall under the level you’ve chosen for your card. Never tried to cross, but there are many threads indicating the you have a small percentage of getting the same grade.
are you thinkimg of subbing as min grade 10?
Yes, that is correct
1.) Yes
2.) Don't know, depends what you are sending them
3.) Probably 30 days or less
4.) Irrelevant, depends on YOUR cards. Give us pics. But odds are always more no than yes....
Just beware that they keep your money if they don’t Gem. There was a thread on here a few months ago from a guy who thought he’d be refunded if they didn’t meet his min grade of 10…