One of the Most Beautiful Designs on the Smallest Canvas: The Mercury Dime

Here are a few from the Erasmus Hall Collection:
The rest are on the BST forum:
It's true. Even as a kid I would hoard Mercury dimes. I was born May 17 1946, and even as I grew up Mercurys were in circulation. I remember collecting them, but being 75 years old now I can't remember what I did with this collection. Maybe getting rid of them put a block in my head to forget them.
I, too, have a memorable childhood experience regarding these coins. My younger sister took possession and purchased some candy with them. I was so disappointed, but at some point replaced them. I am selling my business strike coins, but will keep my proof set.
Here is another example of the coins available via Great Collections.
Thanks for your story.
Here is another to wet your appetite as available thru Great Collections:
Thanks for viewing
What you say is true. I've loved the Mercury dime since I was a child. Collected them as a 10 year old. There were a lot of them in circulation when I was born in 1946. I kept every thing that came down the path. We were poor since my father died not long after the war. I have no memories of him. I tried to save Standing Quarters, but that was a bit rich for my family. I decided to wait until I could work for money. Oh well enough said.