Aug 26 Alex Cooper Gallery Auction with 42 Lots of Currency

42 Lots of all types of currency in Alex Cooper Auction's August 26 Gallery Auction.
Colonial, Continental, Fractional (specimen lot), Sutler Scrip, Nationals (several scarce-rare),
Large and Small notes including 1914 $10 FRN Star Note
Currency lots start at 615
Any questions, ask me (Michael Atkins)
615 Collection of Small and Large Gold Certificates
Small - $10 FR 2400 VG Just honest wear and $20 FR. 2402 VF Large: $10 1907 FR 1172 VG and $10 1922 FR 1173 VF
616 Collection of Seven Large Currency Type Notes
1899 $1 Silver Certificate Black Eagle FR 228 Fine, 1917 $1 Legal Tender FR38 VF, 1923 $1 Silver Certificate FR 237 XF/AU, 1907 $5
Woodchopper Legal Tender FR91 VG/F, $5 1914 Federal Reserve Note FR 834A VG/F, $10 1914 Federal Reserve Note FR923 VF
and $20 1914 Federal reserve Note FR 982
617 1899 $5 Silver Certificate "Chief" VF35 FR 273
Excellent $5 Chief note, almost XF in quality
618 $10 1901 Legal Tender "Bison" FR.115 F/VF
Nice note, would be VF quality minus a couple wrinkles at top, bold colors
619 A Pair of VF 1899 $5 Silver Certificate "Chiefs"
FR 271 and 275
620 $10 1923 Legal Tender FR 123 VG/F "Poker Chip"
Small red seal, 10 on reverse looks like it is on s poker chip
621 1914 $10 FRN STAR NOTE VF FR 922* - RARE
Less than 20 of these are known - SN E186348*
622 1886 $5 Silver Certificate - Morgan Back G FR 261
Lots of wear and folds but no damage, 1886 Morgan Silver Dollar on reverse, FR 261
623 1908 $10 Silver Certificate "Tombstone" VG
The image of Hendricks in the central obverse looks like it is on a tombstone, hence the nickname. FR 304
628 Undated Sutler Scrip from Civil War - Scott's 900
Scott's Nine Hundred US Cavalry ten cent note issued by JR Bostwick SN #329 Choice AU, almost Unc except for several small
stains on top of note
629 February 17, 1864 Confederate $500 Note - @Vf35
$500 - Feb 7 1864, CS-64 Strong paper, well printed @ VF35 due to old folds, SN 22734 stamped or printed. Strong signatures
No damage. just folds more visible on reverse
631 Very Nice Pairs Educational and Woodchopper Notes
2- 1896 $1 Educational Notes FR.224 VG and VG/F
1875 - $5 Legal Tender Woodchopper Note VG (2-3 pinholes) FR 65
1907 - $5 Legal Tender Woodchopper Note FR 91 VF35
632 1902 $5 Value Back Ch 2547 Denton National of Md
Series of 1882, VG, perhaps F if not for a number of pinholes which does not distract from the scarcity of this 1902 Value Back. Not too many of these $5 are known from Denton National Bank. SN # 4784
633 1902 $5PB Ch 2547 Denton National of Md. VF
Nice note, a couple folds away from 35/40 grade SN 2401 Strong signatures
634 A Pair of $5PB 1902 from Baltimore Banks
CH 1384 - Citizens National Bank of Baltimore Fine SN 163232
CH 1337 Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Baltimore VF35 or better, SN 125819
635 1902 $10PB CH 6297 Commercial Bank of Snow Hill Md
Very scarce note from a bank with a great name. Not many $5 Plain
Backs are known from Snow Hill and this F/VF might have made 20
without a corner fold. SN 8721
636 Two 1902 $10 Plain Back Nationals from Maryland
CH 1384 Citizens National Bank of Baltimore VG SN 213704
CH 1267 Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Frederick Fine, SN 27759
637 1902 $5 PB CH 4718 Elkins National Bank WV - RARE
VG/F Very scarce and rare bank. Only 1 other 1902 $5 PB is known at Track and Price in the same grade and only 2 are known at
National Bank Note Census Only damage is tiny piece of edge missing over S in STATES.
Nice descending SN 5432.
638 1882 $10 DB CH 6032 Norfolk, VA Bank
Good - National Bank of Commerce of Norfolk, Virginia Several tiny pinholes and small pieces of the edge mission on top
and bottom. SN 14984 and D198044
641 1899 $5 Silver Certificate "Chief" FR271 Fine
Classic late 19th century silver certificate wanted in every collection
642 1899 $5 Silver Certificate "Chief" FR 281 Fine
643 A Pair of 1899 $5 Silver Certificate Chiefs
Fr 277 VG wear, no damaged, Fr 278 F/VF, net VG from 2 small holes in his headdress
644 2- 1902 $10 PB Virginia, Richmond- Charlottesville
Two 1902 $10 Plain Back Notes from Virginia
Ch 1111 - First National Bank of Richmond Fine SN1415
Ch 10618 - The National Bank of Charlottesville VF SN 79154
645 1902 $10 PB Scarce CH 7270 Charles Town WV F/VF
Scarce bank with not too many $10 Plain Backs, this one should
grade Fine
A Trio of Midwest $10 1902 Plain Backs
Ch 2524 The Lincoln National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio VG SN 26601
Ch 2010 The Ashland National Bank of Kentucky F/VF SN 61827
CH 1749 First National Bank of Appleton F/VF
647 Pair of NY Nationals 1902 PB $10 and $20 #891 #29
Ch 29 1902 $20 PB First National Bank Of The City of New York - F, SN A58796
CH 891 1902 $10 PB The National Park Bank of New York F SN A78150
648 Interesting Lot of Seven Currency Notes
$20 1902 Plain back CH 2499 Drovers & Mechanics National Bank
of Baltimore VF, SN 23724
1899 $1 Silver Certificate Black EagleVG Repaired Net G FR 235
1914 $10 FRN Philadelphia Bank VF FR 915A
1914 $10 FRN Richmond Bank FR 922 F/VF
1914 $20 FRN Richmond Bank FR 983a F
1929 Federal Reserve Bank Note $10 Chicago F
1929 Federal Reserve Bank Note $20 Richmond F
654 Six Sets of Fractional Note Specimens
All sets feature narrow margins, these were printed in 2 halves with
specimen stamped on the back side
FR 1232: Obverse perfect with bronze around Washington still gold
colored, Reverse missing small part of lower right and left edges
FR 1236: Obverse perfect, Reverse missing edges from top right
and bottom right
1244: Obverse perfect with bronze encircling Washington still gold
colored; Reverse has small stain along top left border
1253: Has autographed signatures of Colby and Spinner with the ink
having gone to the back of the obverse otherwise both notes are
1283: Obverse perfect, Reverse has small hole lower left field
1291: Both sides seem new and without problems
655 Three Colonial Currency Notes from Delaware
DE-75 - 2 Shillings 6 Pence, Jan 1 1776. Same paper as Continental
Currency used on this note which was signed by Boaz Manlove and
John McKinley in black and in red by Thomas Collins F/VF note
DE-87, May 1777, 2 Shillings and six pence, Signed by John Laws
and John Wiltbank and 988 were minted About VG with upper and
lower corners missing from a former mounting.
DE-89 Five Shillings May 1777, VF grade and also signed by Laws
and Wiltbank.
656 Several Early Continental Currency Notes
CC-5 May 10, 1775 $5, VF and signed by Jonathan Bayard Smith
and William Crispin,
CC-22 Feb 17 1776, 2/3 of a Dollar . The first series to use
Franklin's Sundial and the linked colonies design later seen on the
Continental Dollar and Chain Cent
CC-38 May 9 1776, $8 VG with central fold potentially splitting
Signed by Samuel Sellers and Benjamin Brannan
657 NJ-177 New Jersey Colonial Currency 3/25/1776
Popular Three shilling note from NJ in XF/AU solid condition. Using
red and black inks with SN 34696 and strong signatures from Robert
Smith, Jonathan Pearce and John Smythe. Excellent condition from
March 25, 1776
662 Two Continental Currency Notes CC-49 CC-50
11/2/1776 "United Colonies" on top of notes
CC-49 - $4 VG/F, corner folded, 1 pinhole, Signatures and Serial
Number faded
CC-50 - $5 XF EPQ, SN 11370 signed by Benjamin Brannan and
Joseph Gaither, just a really nice 245 year old note
663 3 Continental Currency Notes CC-84,85,87
CC.84-85 used "United States" at top, 87 used "United State of
North America
CC-84 : 9/26/1778, $30 Fine, Si recte facies motto, SN 244810 and
signed by Levi Budd in black and William Coates in red.
CC-85: 9/26/78 $40 VG. Perennis Motto (Everlasting on a sturdy
pyramid) SN ? Signed by Nathaniel Donnell in black and red ink is
illegible. 1 pinhole with semi-rough edges
CC-87 : Jan 1779 $1 Fine, SN 50232, signed by John Wight and another illegible.
Fold with triangle missing at edge and several pinholes but still nice
664 A Dozen US Fractional Currency Notes
3- Fr 1226 3 Cent (light background to portrait) VF, XF, F from top tobottom
1- FR 1227 3 cent (dark background to portrait) VF with severalfolds
2- FR 1238 5 cent (Green reverse) both VF
1- FR 1232 5 Cent (no surcharges) VG
1- FR 1255 10 Cent - several pinholes, center fold beginning to split
2- FR 1264 10 Cent (Green Reverse) mainly folds affecting grade
1- FR 1265 10 Cent (Red Rev with long thin key)VG
1- FR 1266 10 Cent (Red Rev with short thick key)G
666 8 Fractional Notes, 15 to 50 cents
Very nice group of 15-50 cent fractionals
2-FR.1267 15 Cents XF and F/VF (evidence of corner folds)
1-FR.1281 25 Cent first issue F, no damage just wear
1-FR.1294 25 Cents VG several pinholes and small tear holes incenter
1-FR.1302 25 Cents F no damage, just wear, most likely watermarked paper
1-FR.1312 50 Cents 1st issue VG- 6-7 pinholes and wear
1-FR.1376 50 Cents F Edwin Stanton, no damage just wear
1-FR.1381 50 Cents AU, only a light center crease keeps from Unc
667 4 NICE Continental Currency Notes CC95-98-99-101
Series of Continental Currency Notes CC-95,98,99,101
Better Grade notes with EPQ paper:
CC-95 Jan 14 1779 $40 XF EPQ"United States of North America"
Signed in red by and signed in black by Leacock - both
signatures strong with bold ink. SN looks like 104492. Motif -
"Confederation" All seeing eye with 13 stars
CC-98 Jan 14 1779 $45 XF EPQ "United States of North America"
Bold. Signed by Thomas Edison in black and in red. Motif - "POST
NUBILA PHOEBUS" After the clouds comes the sun
CC-99 Jan 14 1779 $60 XF EPQ "The United States" Signed by in
red and in black. Motif "DEUS REGNAT EXULTET TERRA" The
Lord reigneth, let the world rejoice"
CC-101 Jan 14 1779 $70 Vf35 "The United States" small stain on
left margin. Signed in black by and in red y Nathaniel Donnell. SN
For four years it has sustained the force of gales (referring to the war
being in the 4th year)
669 Three Pennsylvania Colonial Notes 163-165-166
October 1775, a slightly tougher date:
PA-164 18 Pence SN 20762 with three strong signatures of
Abraham Usher, John Field and Charles Meredith, pinholes
otherwise no damage
PA-156 Two Shillings 6 Pence SN 22849 also with 3 nice signatures
of Owen Jones Jr and William Wister in black and Samuel Miles in
red, no damage on this F/VF note
PA-166 Five Shillings, SN 12247, signatures of George Emlen and
Stephen Carmick in black and Samuel Fisher in red. No damage
other than normal wear and past folds
670 4 Sequential PA Colonial Notes PA-154,155,156,157
April 2, 1772
154 - One Shilling, SN 14793, signatures of Samuel Coates and
Joseph Dean in black and James Wharton in red. Nice solid VF note
155 - 18 Pence, SN 6407, Nice signatures on a heavily folded note
with several stains and edge tears graded Good: Joseph Swift and
Samuel Hudson in black and Cadwalader Morris in red.
156 - 2 Shillings, SN 7253, F/VF with no damaged just wear.
Signatures in black by Cadwalader Morris and Samuel Hudson in
black, a faded Joseph Swift in red.
157 - Two Shillings and 6 Pence, SN 13881, Nice VF notes with
black signatures by Samuel Coates and Joseph Dean and a slightly
faded red signature by James Wharton
672 Three Confederate $100 Interest Bearing Notes
T-39 G/VG June 24, 1862 Woman carrying water jug on left, Train
vignette at center. CR-290 (?), Reverse has three interest paid
stamps “Interest paid to 1st January 1863 at Charleston”: “Interest
paid to 1st January 1864 at Charleston” and “Interest paid to 1st
January 1865 at Columbia SC”
T-40 XF - Appears to have been printed with paper that had a
plethora of microscopic holes. No Watermark, “No” away from rock,
Probably CR-300 Reverse has stamped circular ”Issued by “E.
Presslee” Ass’t Treas Sept 15” and then regular stamp stamped
Interest Paid to 1st January 1863 At Charleston”
T-41 Fine Dec 18, 1862 Scowling John C Calhoun in lower left,
slaves hoeing in center with female allegorical figure (Confederacy
Personified) on right. Plate 5 – watermarked paper, “Y”, Scroll #2,
several pinholes and small piece missing from central bottom edge.
Reverse both handwritten and stamped interest statements. Written
– Issued Jackson Jany 31, 1863 Stamped Interest paid to January
1864 at Jackson; Written – Issued February 2, 1864 and stamped
“Interest paid to 1st January 1865 at Jackson”
674 14 - $5 Bank of Washtenaw Obsolete May 1854 Notes
14 notes, all contained in an old collector's notebook and the grades
seem F-VF. All are the same type without the large bluish $5 on
both sides. Franklin Pearce on the lower right, all hand numbered
and signed
675 A Dozen Nice Confederate Notes
All notes are raw, attributed by type and not my minute variety, a
couple better notes inc $100, 1-$100 T-65 Fine Feb 17,1864 Lucy
Pickens, 3-$50 T-16 Feb 17, 1861 All hand signed with stamped 5
digit SN VG, F, F/VF, 1-$20 T-20 Sept 2, 1861 F Stain on reverse,
1-$20 T-51 April 6 1863 VG Formerly mounted, Capital at Nashville,
1-$20 T-67 Feb 17, 1864 VF, 1-$10 T-25 Feb 1861 F, Hope with
Anchor, Hunter left, Memminger Right several stains, 1-$10 T-52
Dec 1862 F, Capital at Columbia SC, fancy $20 back, 1-$10 T-59
April 6 1863 F/VF Capital at Columbia, SC, 2-$10 T-68 Feb 17
1864 Horses pulling Cannon F and VF
677 Four PA Colonial Currency Notes
PA 223B Red and Black note 40 Shillings, stained, April 1777,
signed by Levi Budd, G/VG with tears into note
PA 215B Red and Black note, Two shillings VG with central fold;
PA-218A Black note 6 Shillings, G with reverse paper repair and
folds; PA-146 Red and Black, 5 Shillings, March 1771 VG/F with
central heavy fold