Bolivia 4 Reales 1808 Underdate

I had been looking for an 1808 Bolivia 4 reales as I wanted to put together a suite of 1808 Bolivian coins. This one appeared at auction and since it was cleaned and somewhat shoddy, I thought I would get it at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, someone else wanted it as badly as I. Ended up winning it at about three times I had wanted to pay. It may have been the underdate, the "9" under the 8. I am not familiar with such things, but I thinks some members would like to see it. Apologies for the large image. I try to keep my posted images fitting easily into the margins.
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
The older reference Pillar and Portrait, Four Reales of the New World by Palmer & Almanzar
mentions both a small date and a large date 1808 but fails to describe or provide images of the specifics of those distinctions. They also do not mention the overdate, which is quite clear to see on your example.
PCGS doesn't appear to have graded any 1808/9 4R overdates but does show 6 1808's in the census.
While NGC's census shows 54 1808 4R's graded, including 3 in mint state. Though again no specific mention of the overdate. Perhaps you were right in your theory about the other bidder.
Happy that you got the coin you were seeking. Congrats.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
I think it's more likely a repunched 8 than a 9. What looks like a little tail at the bottom left side of the 8 might make it look like a backwards overdate, but that stylized 9 pointed more diagonally.
My 2c
8 Reales Madness Collection
After seeing the style of that 9, it does lend itself to your suggestion.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Well, for all it's worth, my 1995 Krause does list a 1808/9 4 reales.
Honestly, it could be either.
8 Reales Madness Collection