White gold or silver ring around my silver dollar?
Hello! I'll just start by saying I recently acquired this and some US Silver Eagles from a local auction. All had coin holders around them but easily removable. This one however has been soldered together, so it's just gonna sit like it is.
What I'm now seeing is that the numbers on the eyelet may intact say 825 instead of 925, think it's Sterling silver makes since to me.
After looking around online, 825 refers to gold so now I really wanna know. Anyone able to check these out and say whether it's 925 or 825?
Yes, I can see how it looks like 825 but I'm about 99.9% sure that it's .925, sterling silver. Gold is very rarely marked with a fineness of .825, if ever. This does not correspond to any popularly used gold fineness or karat marking.
And Mexico is a huge producer of sterling silver items.
The coin says it is 0.900 fine if you read it!
that looks like 925 from Taxco Mexico
My interpretation of the images makes me think it says 925.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
The coin is definitely .900 fine.
Definitely a typical Taxco Mexico mark for sterling silver. Bezel is 92.5% and coin is 90%.
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The bezel is .925. The number just looks like 825 when viewed a certain way. Mexican silver jewelry from Taxco has been around for a long, long time and the marked jewelry should be good.