Currency exchange: Swiss, AUD, Euros, UL pounds

Currency to exchange:
333 AUD - ($245 value) - $200
413 Swiss - ($455 value) - $380
106 NZD - ($74 value) - $50
457 Euros - ($537 value) - $450
96 GBP - ($133 value) - $100
Good deals with KollectorKing, ChrisRx, Tookybandit, LukeMarshall, and Ajaan! On cointalk, Histman, Sakata, Blisskr, and a few others!
Good deals with KollectorKing, ChrisRx, Tookybandit, LukeMarshall, and Ajaan! On cointalk, Histman, Sakata, Blisskr, and a few others!
Still for sale
Good deals with KollectorKing, ChrisRx, Tookybandit, LukeMarshall, and Ajaan! On cointalk, Histman, Sakata, Blisskr, and a few others!
Euros and Swiss are sold but this is what I have left at the face value:
AUD 443
NZD 144
GBP 274.70
Good deals with KollectorKing, ChrisRx, Tookybandit, LukeMarshall, and Ajaan! On cointalk, Histman, Sakata, Blisskr, and a few others!