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pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,566 ✭✭✭✭✭

As many know, Charles Pillet, a French medalist, was commissioned by Mexican President (some called him a dictator) Porfirio Diaz to design a commemorative coin for the Centennial of Mexican Independence in 1910. What resulted from this commission was the beautiful Caballito Peso, which is known and loved by many.

But why Pillet?

Well, Diaz was a known Francophile, and years before, in 1898, Pillet did a very flattering medal of Diaz for the opening of the Porfirio Diaz Canal. (I don't know much about this canal, but I believe it is in the state of Sonora and if that is correct, it is a very large public works project of the era.) So Diaz was pleasantly predisposed to Pillet.

As far as I know, this popular medal only comes in silver, often nicely toned. And I'm not exactly sure where they were stuck, but my guess is Paris.

I have a duplicate Diaz medal for auction at Stacks for your bidding pleasure.


  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,566 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The current bid is super low for this medal!

  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,566 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not super low anymore, but this is ending today.

  • tcollectstcollects Posts: 1,073 ✭✭✭✭✭

    something about that medal appeals to me

  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,566 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Charles Pillet was a great artist/medalist. He seems to be famous for the French rooster, which is featured on many of his works, but he also did a lot of Art Nouveau, which was popular at the time.

    The medal sold beyond my expectations!

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