Astros vs Dodgers game turns ugly

in Sports Talk
The Astros played the Dodgers yesterday in L.A. and the Dodgers fans really let the Astros have it. The Dodgers fans threw things onto the field, fights broke out, stuff was being thrown everywhere and the Dodgers fans even placed astros baseball cards into bathroom urinals. Here is a summary of the scene.
Here is a video of a fight that broke out and security even threw a punch.
Food and beverage being thrown, here is a video of a man being hauled off by security.
Dodgers fans even started fighting with eachother, here is a video of two Dodgers fans threatening eachother.
The Dodgers fans put Astros baseball cards into urinals.
Here is a video and you can see how rowdy the atmosphere was.
The cheating was disgraceful. I'm still ashamed to have Cora back in Boston.
The cop was smart he let Security handle that crap show lol. But Security at any level has a right to defend themselves and if you get swung on you have a right to strike back with a punch. The whole country has gone insane though lol
Yes, I would have swung back also, these sporting events are turning into pure chaos!
and that is why i watch sports from the best seat in the house...
my couch.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
They get the inflatable trash can onto the field, hooray!
ehh. technically, maybe. and that depends on the state. and even in states where you would be allowed to strike back, most facilities will fire you on the spot. huge legal liability regardless of who threw the first punch. the security guard that threw the punch, while lawful, did not really need to for the most part. he’s there to secure, not fight. however the real problem here is that the rest of the security crew just stood there. they shoulda swarmed, subdued and exited. the goal is to get in, secure, subdue & get out as quickly as possible. not escalate or cause a further scene and certainly not to get involved in throwing punches.
again, this is just speaking from a “security guard” standpoint. dude swings on me first, im swinging back. im not being paid. “protect yourself at all times” does not just apply to the boxing ring. it applies to life in general.
eta: just like the upper deck security crew did in vid #2 posted.
Cora should be banned from baseball in my opinion. Manfred is a joke.
It started in 1980.....I was there......Don Sutton is the most underrated pitcher in my lifetime. Gave it all he had. And then some. R.I.P.
^^^ I agree. I hate that john henry took cora back.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
As a Dodger fan this is embarrassing. Really sad.
The Astros being scumbag cheaters doesn't mean we should all act a fool at the stadium. Come on people! Be better than that!
A fight involving Doyer fans....
Well gollleeee, can you imagine that?
dos centavos for anyone who hasn't gone to a baseball game in a while, but is contemplating doing so with kids:
this is not your father's sporting event anymore. where you sit matters greatly.
when i hit up 3 Cards games in June, seats for the 1st and 3rd games were a few rows behind the Marlins' dugout. it was like club med. the 2nd game, not so much. my dad and i wanted a different vantage point, so we sat behind the outfield. let's just say it was like a re-enactment of animal house in the stands. beer being thrown, Miami's left fielder being called every name under the sun for 9 innings, so on and so forth. the only thing i didn't experience was a melee, but it would not have surprised me one iota had one gone down. i have known for years that baseball is circling the drain, but i always ascribed it to what's transpiring on the field. after that night, i quickly realized that the periphery is giving it a boost toward the black hole. just watch those freaking videos up above again; they are a veritable sign of the apocalypse. baseball has become such a laughingstock in so many ways.
in summation, if you are thinking about taking impressionable children to see a game, do whatever it takes to pony up for better seats. you'll thank me later.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Back on May 27th, there was a brutal fight between a Dodgers fan and an Astros fan at Minute Maid Park and there was a little girl a few feet away crying, the guy got punched in the face a bunch of times and was bleeding. Here is the story on the news.
It makes me want to puke that AJ Hinch is the manager of my Tigers. Should've been banned for life.
Here is video of the guy who got punched in the face from the May 27th fight at Minute Maid Park and you can see he's bleeding.
You can see the little girl sitting a few feet away from the fight, shameful.
Your probably right since security guards are a tiny step above a bouncer. They have very little protection I’m assuming. In Law Enforcement you do have a right to defend yourself within reason and if you can justify throwing a punch then so be it. The video was a complete cluster and the cop watching it got a front row seat, he just needed some popcorn to really enjoy it lol
As I read through this thread, I was having this same thought. I never go to games, but it is usually apparent that the fights are in the "cheap" seats. Sadly, a lot of families are priced out of live sporting events.
Going to games in my younger days, and often sitting "way up high", even then it was obvious that it was a bit of a crazy scene. But the price of good seats is sooooo astronomical now that things are very different in the cheaper seats, as far as I can tell and from stories I have heard.
Sitting in the bleachers in Tiger Stadium as a kid with the Bleacher Creatures was an education. I learned a second language ( all cuss words) sitting there.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Sounds like when the Raiders were in L.A. Horrid fans. The last Raider game I attended was with my two oldest boys who were just little kids at the time. We left at halftime. The vulgar language and over the top beer drinking was just too much.
thats just sad. crazy to think you cant take your kid(s) to a game until they are 18 basically. ive yet to take my 7 year old to one. these videos are making me even think twice about even wanting to take him. grandpa took him to a braves game a couple years back.
this reminds me of the days I would go to the Oakland Coliseum when the Seahawks were in the AFC West every year and yes I would go head to toe in hawks gear !!! It was brutal, some Raiders fans would only go to the game to start fights !!
Fenway Paaaaaaahk $3 Bleacher seats was eye opening as a kid. The. Set was when I was about 6 or 7 being in the stands at Foxboro stadium near the parking lot side, I remember watching the brawls all night more than the game!
I remember that Bat Day was like handing out weapons to inmates. Helmet Day was much safer
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The White Sox under Bill Veeck would have kazoo night. Those little steel projectiles.
Another problem with Bat Day is that people would pound the seat in front of them with the bat to make noise to incite a rally. Trouble was there was often a person in that seat
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I flew down to L.A. from the Bay Area about 30-32 years ago to watch Raiders vs 49er with a client. IIRC it was the last Raiders game in LA. We left at the end of the 3rd quarter and grabbed a brew on the way out. Scary Scary and we are both former college ball players. Raider fans skeer me. Not one but a group of them.
One month til college ball. Yeeeow.
I'd take Hinch over Cora. Cora & Beltran were the orchestrators, Hinch just didn't have the testicular fortitude to do more than smash a few monitors - either in fear of being fired by Luhnow or losing the clubhouse....if you believe he did in fact inform Luhnow of the scheme. Not excusing it, he could've easily also called Joe Torre or some similar MLB Head Office mallcop, but I at least think he took accountability for not doing more, and he was put into a difficult position especially if he didn't trust Luhnow to begin with.
When Rick Hahn (White Sox GM) was trying to bring him to Chicago before he was usurped by Crazy Jerry for LaRussa, Hinch came on local radio and even said he expected, and should have received a longer ban. Should have received 3-5 years IMO, but it is what it is. Manfred clearly wants to be Adam Silver, players' commish above all else since he only cares about trying to snag the youth demo, so everyone gets to do whatever they want all the time with little to no repercussions.
I'm sure it was worse at the it was at Chicago Stadium where in my first visit during a Hawks/Wings tilt, some poor idiotic (probably SW Michigan) Wings fan thought it would be a good plan to rock his Probert jersey in a sea of Hawks fans and in the midst of a 4-2 win thought it would also be a good idea to start taunting them with 4 letter bombs. At least until a 6'5 guy in an ill-fitting Dave Manson sweater shattered his jaw and sent him down about 12 flights of concrete stairs. I'll never forget the sound of that jaw being shattered.
Buy tickets in the lower deck behind the net. You won't have a single problem. You'll pay more but: 1) You won't have the idiots that you get in the cheap seats; 2) You won't have to worry about him/you getting drilled by a foul ball.
The worst part of the Joe was how they funneled everyone out of the building after the game into a tight tunnel . It was like herding cattle. 20,000 head of cattle . Most intoxicated. That's where most of the fights took place. I was at the Joe for the first and last games and about 400 games in between. It was hard core.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
yeah I was there for about 8-10 games, family in Deerborn. It was a dump and those slingshot boards were ridiculous, but I always liked watching games on TV from the Joe because of that unique wide angle hard camera view they were able to get from the lower concourse. Of course that also meant you got to see more of the crowd including my idiot cousin in his stupid Slava Kozlov sweater, but whatever.
I'm just looking forward to when Avila doubles down and signs Carlos Correa this off-season. The most defiant of the Astros cheats to pair with Hinch. Go ahead and wear that one, Detroit.
The Joe was concrete, steel and little else. It was spartan. It was large, loud and sold out for most of the middle 20+ year run. It holds many great memories for me.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Beat DAT AZZ! Beat DAT AZZ! Beat DAT AZZ! Smh.... I truly wish us PSA and collectors were around..... Teach them knuckleheads a lesson they'd NEVA forget! ..... " Hey man pipe down! It's the PSA collector's club gang!"
Lady behind the fight... " And they mean business!"