Swap two 2021-S and two 2021-D Morgan Dollars for two 2021-CC and two 2021-O Morgan Dollars

We missed out on the previous CC and O Morgan Dollar offerings from the Mint, but we were able to secure a total of 6 of each coin at today’s offering. My wife has her collection and I have mine. So we are each putting up one of each S and D in order to get 2 of the CC and O Morgan’s.
Anyone that can swap?
Regards, Herb
I have 3-4 CC's and maybe 1 O that I have not decided what to do with. I will probably sell them. I have already acquired the last 4 through Ebay as I got shut out on the 3rd and 10th. I'll still have 1 of each issue, so not sure a swap/trade will work. I'll have to wait until the mint delivers the 10 CC's and 2 - O's that I have confirmed. let me know if someone may be interested. Thanks, Jon
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I am wanting to swap. I will send you a PM so we can move this off the general forum.