Over and Done - August Coin Swap! Blast from the Past! Come One, come Many!

I'm starting a new topic for the actual August Coin Swap.
This topic has some good feedback.
HI all,
I'm calling for an Olde Tyme Coin Swap, like we used to do 20 years ago on this forum.
If you are interested, reply to this post.
I hope to see a dozen or more "Deal me in" responses... maybe a hundred!
The Rules:
- U.S. shipping addresses only, please.
- Minimum value $100, valuation by Numismedia.com FMVs.
- I'll post the list of who sends to who, A sends to B, who sends to C, who sends to ... X, who sends to A. So it's a circle.
- PM your victim/target to get their shipping address (and optionally find out if they have particular interests)
- The "main things" you send are to be desirable/collectable U.S. coin(s). Bonus items can be included as well, but please do not unload your junk. (If you are sending to me, feel free to unload your junk silver
- Once I post the list, let's try to get the packages shipped within a week.
- When you receive your package, you can post a description on this thread... especially if it is particularly generous/interesting/funny...
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022
. Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Yikes! I noticed a typo and fixed it. It said "Olde Tyme _Cold _Swap"! Probably don't want to be swapping coronovirus! :
Sadly, NOBODY seems interested in this. Honestly, these swaps used to be pretty common.
OTOH, maybe I haven't established my new creds enough to interest folks. Maybe I'll try setting up a swap next year or something.
It’s not necessarily your credentials (though that could be it for some).
Coin swaps are fun, but I think the stated $100 minimum value is what caused this one to wither on the vine. That’s a helluvalotta money to send off in a blind swap.
Twenty bucks, and I’d play, if I didn’t have so many other irons in the fire.
It may also be hard enough to get enough participants at even the $10 or $20 level, but it’s worth a shot.
Even then, you’re likely to find the logistics of putting together even a small circle to be daunting. Times change, I guess.
I thought $100 level today was about the same as $30 20 years ago. Guess that's only true if you invested in junk silver or the S&P 500. Excellent point.
I'll post another try, at a more modest level.
Worthy idea. Despite inflation, I think a hundred bucks is too risky if anybody reneged on their obligation. Things could get messy then.
20 bucks, on the other hand, could be considered “good cheap fun”. Lower obligation. Lower risk. Still fun.
Start a $20 swap, and I’m aboard.
$20 or less swap and I'm on board.
coolio, several people are saying a $20 swap would be plausible. I'll announce one soon
I'd probably play for $20-40 range.
Collect raw morgans, walkers, mercs, SLQ, barber q. Looking at getting into earlier date coins pre 1900s.
I know I haven't been around that long but If I can deal me in.
Sorry.. That ship has sailed... Only had a few takers
Do you guys do these coin swaps often?. Are there certain rules that pertain to participation.