Please Report....... They are back with new listings..... Still Active
There was a thread on this seller a few weeks ago, listings were removed.
Ebay seller grandgran03 is still selling counterfeit coins.
I wonder if it rings?
I'd like to see all these fraudsters go down!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
Reported on several.
Most of the counterfeit coins I've seen have that dark perimeter.
Seller is back at it again.

It would be nice if ebay cared enough about our hobby to any type of action against repeat offenders.
Flat breast of 78
In that photo of the reverse it appears to be reverse of 79 with slanted top arrow feather. Not saying it doesn't look odd but could just be bad photos??
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
Another one from grandgran03 just one day after the last one was removed.

This seller is not going to stop selling counterfeits.
It's not that they are unaware they just want to rip someone.
This seller has had over 20 listings removed by ebay and they have done nothing to the seller.
Ebay rules and policies.

Ebay sucks!
Feel free to send the seller a message letting them know how you appreciate their dishonesty.
Also feel free to contact ebay and put some pressure on them about this seller.
This one is going to take extra effort to get them to stop.
@ifthevamzarockin How long are you in PCGS jail?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Buddy I can put some money on your books. Sorry. I get it,sometimes
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
It's a damn shame something permanent can't be done with these crooks. They just keep coming back again and again.
shooo wee, them some dogs!
Duplicate listing for the same counterfeit plus one more.
The only way to stop them is to undercut them on the counterfeits... Drive them out of business...
Also have a few showing just one side
When did grandgran go to beige lighting?
Still active.
Still active.
When a seller has an authentic lower grade coin for sale with a Buy It Now that is higher than a Buy It Now on an identical coin in a much higher grade (yet is counterfeit), you know they're on to their own dishonestly.
Start a new thread
Okay, I'm with"MsMorrisine" to put the new listings in a new thread as well.
For our purpose here the seller in question is a repeat offender. Now, I've done a few ebay reports about an altered or counterfeited coin but I'm wondering is there some other way to draw ebay's attention to a Con seller? maybe list some dates that the seller has been known to list counterfeits that were removed. I can't be much help with authenticated coins outside of the 09SVDB's, 14-D Lincoln cents but I'm 100% in on putting pressure to getting these Con's kicked off ebay. Yes, they can create another account and start over, but that would mean their feedback score starts at ZERO too, this hurts them because they have to start out with ZERO credibility.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
MarkW63 Posts: 600 ✭✭✭ November 7, 2021 11:55AM
@ifthevamzarockin said:
Still active.
“Okay, I'm with"MsMorrisine" to put the new listings in a new thread as well.
For our purpose here the seller in question is a repeat offender. Now, I've done a few ebay reports about an altered or counterfeited coin but I'm wondering is there some other way to draw ebay's attention to a Con seller? maybe list some dates that the seller has been known to list counterfeits that were removed. I can't be much help with authenticated coins outside of the 09SVDB's, 14-D Lincoln cents but I'm 100% in on putting pressure to getting these Con's kicked off ebay. Yes, they can create another account and start over, but that would mean their feedback score starts at ZERO too, this hurts them because they have to start out with ZERO credibility.”
Sometimes, when reporting such listings, I include comments such as “Another counterfeit from this seller” or “A previous listing of this coin was already ended by eBay”.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Here is something I started doing with the 09SVDB images, I was trying to somewhat save them but not for any real reason but I had trouble with coming up with a way to sort them.
Then most recently I (a few months back) I started just using the date for the image name (file name).
I try to get two of the best images, maybe three and I do this with the file name, (like today)
11-7-21 A and then the second one would be 11-7-21 B and if I do a crop or close up of one of those then it would be like this, 11-7-21 A1 (or B1)
The only problem I've had with the 09SVDB's is on occasion I've had more than one phony show up in the same day
But, when I look back through my images this system will give me the dates the these coins have been listed.
Then I'll likely create folders to group them into years.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@MFeld "I include comments such as “Another counterfeit from this seller”.......
I have been changing the title to the thread as new ones pop up. "They are back with new listings.....again."
Once listings are removed I have been editing the title with "All gone, thank you."
Thank you Mark for your help getting counterfeit listings removed from ebay, it is much appreciated.
@MsMorrisine "Start a new thread"
I appreciate the input and a new thread may help to get the listings pulled.
I have been trying to keep a running thread with this seller to show the "history" of this seller and also to show how ebay takes no action against sellers of counterfeit coins. I have filed a report with the Numismatic Crimes Task Force about this seller and it makes it easy to send them a link showing the ongoing fraud by this seller. Also if someone does a Google search for grandgran03 they might find this thread and see that it is not just a one time mistake with this seller.
One thing for sure you've got your claws into this ebay con, and it don't look like your about to give up anytime soon
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
I think the only thing that works is ... just keep reporting them.
Still active.

Please report!
Seller ended the duplicate listing.
Reported. Maybe we can stop this guy. I tried stopping a fake 1863 dollar recently with several notices but someone ended up getting ripped off for $500. Then I sent a message to eBay scolding them for ignoring warnings and allowing another person to be ripped off.