Did eBay do away with the discount selling fee's for coins and paper money?

I just went to a fee calculator site I have bookmarked and there is no listing for coins and paper money,,,,,, just bullion. Coins and Paper Money was always cheaper to sell from than bullion.
Anyone know???

Best Answer
jmlanzaf Posts: 35,345 ✭✭✭✭✭
If you have a store. Otherwise, no.
There are a lot of fee structures based on your store and managed payment status. https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/selling-fees?id=4822
So, if you have a store no discount?
It appears that coins, paper money and bullion are now charged the same rate. How does this new rate compare to the previous rate for coins and paper money>

Special promo items can drive up fees. I look at detail at month end do my own Calc. Special promo items need be marked up higher absorb that cost.
You need audit month end report see what your paying on variable and fixed (store) selling cost basis to really analyze bay selling expense. Then from there considering your commission mark up accordingly.
There is a discount if you have a store. 8.5% for coins and paper money. 7% or ess for Bullion.
If you have no store or a starter store, they are the same rate with no discount.
Basic store ($21.95 per month) fees:
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.