stamps from the middle east

Couple of years ago I bid on an estate lot of stamps. There were plenty of plate blocks, germany and states stamps, and a lot of other items too. Finally got really looking thru them and found this sheet down towards the bottom. I found out that Ras Al Khaima is one of the trucal states which formed the United Arab Emirates. Anyway, this is not my area of interest. So could anyone tell me about the stamps and I would be willing to sell them for a fair offer. Here is a scan, the 2 on the top and bottom rows are cut off because the sheet was wide for my scanner plus I had it shoved over.
You can pm me or just reply here.
Someone please make an offer or at least give a fair evaluation. Looks too nice just to pitch, willing to get rid of it for cheap.
The stamps appear CTO and would be rather worthless. Sorry, but I hope I'm wrong.
Sorry, havent seen CTO before. Meaning?
Canceled To Order. They're specifically done for the collector market and most of the UAE stuff is uber common as a result.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
Okay, thanks for the clarification.
I'd donate somewhere...