Alex Verdugo hit by baseball thrown by Yankee fan.

in Sports Talk
After Verdugo tossed a baseball to a Red Sox fan in left field, that ended up with a Yankee fan, things went South. The Yankee fan was encouraged to throw the ball back, which he did. Unfortunately the ball hit Verdugo in the back. One can only imagine what could have gone wrong here, the possible injury scenarios are almost endless, like career ending eye injury, concussion...
If you're gonna do stupid stuff like that, at least don't aim at the player, which obviously this nut case did.
I hope this idiot is banned from Yankee stadium, if not all MLB facilities. M-O-R-O-N
Alex has always been nice about throwing balls to fans. I hope this fools actions doesn’t keep him from continuing his generosity.
It's easy to be generous with other people's baseballs. After he retires from baseball maybe he should go into politics.
Total crossing of the line by that fan who threw that ball. As the poster points out, the scenarios other than being hit in the back could have been much worse. Hopefully this fan is banned from attending games permanently in my opinion.
I want to crap on Yankees fans but I won’t paint the entire fan base with the same brush, Sox fans can be tough too. Throwing a baseball at a player is way out of line, in this situation I’m fine with the guy being arrested
I have a question. So......Alex Verdugo throws a baseball into the crowd. Did he throw the ball to a specific person? If so, was that person prepared to catch the ball? Does Alex always have pin point accuracy when he throws baseballs into the crowd? Do the fans want Alex to throw baseballs at them? And how do we know that the return throw was from a Yankee fan? Maybe the person who threw the ball back was simply the father of a kid who just got his teeth knocked out by the first throw from ALEX!
Oh,....and another thing......has anyone around here ever noticed that baseball players wear HELMETS when people throw baseballs at THEM? Maybe good guy Alex should go to bat without a the people he throws baseballs at.
IT'S STUPID TO THROW BASEBALLS INTO A CROWD! Grandpa always said, "It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye."
Could be the fan was just throwing it back on the field and dumb luck took over? If you can be in the stands and have that good enough accuracy to hit a player on the field in the back then maybe the Yankees should offer him a 10 day contract.......
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I believe if Verdugo hit and injured someone in the stands with his throw it would be all over the media by now. Some family would have a lawyer involved looking for the big payday etc. Players toss balls to fans in good faith since the beginning of the sport. It even says on that ticket you purchase to be aware of batted/thrown balls. Heck I was down the 1st base line about 5 or 6 years ago in the front row with my glove at a spring training game and had a catch with Nick Swisher who was warming up at first base during his brief stint with the Braves. When you are at a game you really have to be watching what's happening on the field at all times.
Well, tossing a ball into the stands happens all the time - BUT, of course a Cleveland player, When Albert Bell had enough of a fans BS and nailed him perfectly - Now that's accuracy - from field to up in the stands with velocity. Don't really know what came of this lawyerwise, but then again it was before people became so delicate.
CLEVELAND, MAY 13, 1991 -- Outfielder Albert Belle of the Cleveland Indians was suspended today for a week without pay for hitting a fan with a baseball. Belle immediately appealed American League President Bobby Brown's penalty and will continue to play pending a hearing.
Belle hit Clevelander Jeff Pillar's chest Saturday after Pillar jokingly invited him to a keg party. Belle has been treated for alcohol abuse.
"The potential dangers and ramifications of what you did are obvious," Brown said in a letter to Belle. "The seriousness of your offense cannot be minimized."
Belle earns the major league minimum of $100,000, so a seven-day suspension would cost him $3,846.15. Brown directed that the Indians donate that amount to a charity of Belle's choosing.
A videotape of Belle throwing the ball toward the stands was sent to Brown, Indians spokesman Bob DiBiasio said. The camera did not follow the ball into the seats.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The ump or umps down the 3rd line were helping pinpoint the thrower.
ESPN crawl just showed the person is banned from all mlb parks.
LOL - the fan can just get a "Valentine" disguise and easily get back into the stands..........Heck, he might even be able to get into the dugout!
"Valentine, after being ejected for arguing a catcher's interference call in a tense extra-inning game against the Blue Jays on June 9, 1999, returned to the Mets dugout with a different look: the skipper disguised himself by wearing a hat and sunglasses and donning a mustache made of eye-black stickers."
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Yeah I know
I’d say prosecute but the judge in me wants time to ponder
Video didn't play
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Possible laser pointer being used now
Did you watch the video? It's about the fan who died trying to catch a ball thrown into the stands by Josh Hamilton. Hamilton threw the ball with just a bit less velocity than he should have, the guy reached for it, fell, and died. He was at the game with his son. Sad story. I would imagine it traumatized Hamilton.
So very sad
(Did you watch the video? I would imagine it traumatized Hamilton. )
Well it didn't post _ "Video Unavaliable" - and why post videos of people dying when we just were posting some fun things?
A fan, Shannon Stone, fell trying to catch a baseball tossed to him by Hamilton at Thursday's game between the two teams. Stone died later at a hospital.
The Texas Rangers’ outfielder couldn’t help but remember the screams of 6-year-old Cooper Stone after the boy’s father tumbled over the railing in that same area the previous game when reaching out to catch a ball tossed their way by Hamilton.
EDIT - And Stone died later in the "Hospital" -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
10 long tight hugs for my kid after hearing that
Sorry, the video wouldn't embed, it requires watching on Youtube. And I posted that only because this thread was also going into some of the dangers presented by balls being thrown by fans and players.
It is just a crazy story, and when I see or hear discussions like this I immediately think of it.
"And I posted that only because this thread was also going into some of the dangers presented by balls being thrown by fans and players."
Ya know - if people are getting too scared to go watch a game then maybe they should stay in the safety of their home and buy a big screen TV!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
--- in 1991, Cleveland Indians player Albert Bell ran towards the stands and drilled a fan who'd been heckling him in the chest with a baseball. he received a six game suspension.
--- the National League suspended Cincinnati relief pitcher Rob Dibble for four games for throwing a ball into the stands after a tough outing April 28, 1991.
--- a few years back, Cleveland pitcher Trevor Bauer came unhinged after a tough outing. when Manager Terry Francona pulled him out of the game he let one fly from the mound into the outfield stands.
let's be real and fair about this. I really doubt that Yankee fan threw a fastball at the player, he probably just lobbed it. considering how many, many fans aren't paying attention to the action on the field during games, shouldn't there be some kind of equal punishment?? banning this fan for "life" from every MLB park/game seems a bit harsh, handing out a six game suspension for drilling a fan with a "high hard one" like Belle did, or randomly throwing a fast shot to the stands seems sort of lenient.
Why is it o.k. for a player to throw a ball into the fans in the bleachers but it's not o.k. for a fan in the bleachers to throw
the SAME ball back to the player who threw the ball? .......Answer that. Hmmmm? I'm waiting.
What I wrote was in reference to you asking why I would post about something like this. I think there might be a disconnect happening here......... I do not think it is dangerous to go to games.
Supposedly he was throwing it to a Sox fan
I get it!.....Alex Verdugo is a MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYER so ipso facto he's a wonderful human being and if he throws a baseball your way you should be HONORED by his effort even if you didn't want a ball thrown at you......But.....what if the person who threw the ball back to Mr. Nice Guy Major Leaguer was a janitor at a chain motel and he thought........ Hey!!....I'm a JANITOR! at a chain motel and I'm going to throw a baseball to.....ALEX VERDUGO!....because I'm a JANITOR!!!!..... Alex will be SO excited!!!! Maybe ALEX will even ask for my autograph!
Think about it......ALEX goes into the dugout a tells his teammates, "Look! I just got pegged by a ball that a JANITOR threw at me! It was the SAME ball that I threw at him!!!!" .......Then....ALEX rips off his jersey and shows the team the black and blue mark! All the God like major league players look on in wonderment!!!...In unison they scream......WOW!!!!......GET THAT JANITORS AUTOGRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Generally speaking, fans at games ask for balls
Hero Worship is for the ancient Greeks, children, and New Orleans Saints fans..............
I didn't think any of you guys were watching any Red Sox games this year!
As a dinosaur, I really never understood the throwing of a baseball back onto the field. I would keep it!
Secondly, there are signs posted at the ballpark instructing fans not to throw stuff on the field. Just don't do it.
Fans today are often irritating, hate the golf fans that scream their heads off after every shot before they can tell if it's even a good one!
Went to a football game a couple years ago. They wanted us to scream and yell continuously for the entire game.
No thanks, make a good play and I'll cheer, otherwise I'll enjoy the games in relative peace.
Lastly, throw the damn ball and get in there and hit!
Hope everyone has a great week!