The space thread

in Sports Talk
Due to the NFL offseason, I've been watching a lot of space documentaries lately, and therefore I can no longer contain my desire to do a space thread. I've also decided that I wish I was smart enough to be an astrophysicist.
gotta getcha one of these:
The image above is called a black hole, and they exist in space, and if Earth ever has an encounter with one, we're in big trouble. They move through space and gobble up anything in their path.
That is awesome!
not my thread but may i make a motion to the floor that any lebron space jam posts are strictly prohibited?
Motion granted!
Ok everyone, it's 8:57 p.m., way past my bedtime so we'll pick this back up tomorrow. I leave you with this image of a burning sun!
I have an older Celestron SCT C9.5 - we bring it out every now and then. My wife is only 5'1" and she whips it around like she does telling me to wash the dishes - LOL! We take pics through the eyepiece we don't have any kind of fancy cameras that attach to it.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
There is one (maybe 2) in every galaxy center (supposedly) - their rotation is what makes the galaxies spin. Our puny solar system is so far away from the center of our galaxy (The Milky Way is our galaxy) we'll never have to worry about being consumed by the central black hole.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I hope not because it would be the end of everything, it would literally tear us apart, nothing can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole.
The Mars face, it was discovered in 1976, and it is very creepy looking.
Books have been written about the Mars face.
Wait folks, there's actually another Mars face as well.
extremely cool. have never seen the crowned face, thank you!
You're welcome, it is awesome, and very creepy!
The face on Mars wants us to know we can save hundreds with Geico.