Ok fixed my profile which is now public sorry about that guys didn't mean too
a case of not looking what i pressed
So your profile was messed up. I posted I want the coin 44 minutes before @ajaan , but according to your PM, he gets the coin? I'm not going to lose my mind over a $19 coin, but that somehow seems unfair
I'd buy it and tried to PM you but I get this:
"Permission Problem
This user's profile is private."
Do you have me blocked?
Do you have me blocked? If so, don’t know why.
I’m guessing he put his profile on private either by accident or intentional. Link to a thread from the past few days on the same problem.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
I'll take it. PM me where to send a check.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Ok fixed my profile which is now public sorry about that guys didn't mean too
a case of not looking what i pressed
.. > @silverpop said:
So your profile was messed up. I posted I want the coin 44 minutes before @ajaan , but according to your PM, he gets the coin? I'm not going to lose my mind over a $19 coin, but that somehow seems unfair