WTB: 1839 O 50c (choice VF to low AU) and Nicely toned/original AU Seated Halves

I'm always on the lookout for new seated halves to add to my collection. If you have one you're willing to sell, i'd love to see pictures.
For the 1839-O, nice toning would be great, but original surfaces and skin also work for me.
If you have one of these for sale, or have leads, please reach out to me!
Successful Transactions with: ryk, Valente151, dragon, GoldenEyeNumismatics, nolawyer, guitarwes, USMoneylover, catbert, crypto79, GAB, lkeigwin, nags, JJM, stman, sonoradesertrat, and 440+ eBay transactions.
PM sent.
RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'
CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
Tuesday bump.
August Bump. I got a couple of great coins from Sonoradesertrat, but still looking for leads on a nice 1839-O or seated halves.